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  1. jsaul Welcome New Poster

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    Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I am currently a nail Technician of 12 years. I live in Central Florida, and I am looking in to the school of a Medical Nail Tech/ assistant. I am wanting information on finding a job in my area. I currently work in a salon and have been there for 12 years, but I would love to reach out and make my career larger??? Can you help me, by letting me know if there are Podiatrist in my area looking for MNT so that I can attend the school?? Thank You
  2. Hi Jennifer, Sorry can´t help answer you questions. Maybe try the US forum. Good luck and :welcome: to Podiatry Arena.
  3. Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    Again welcome and Us forum and employment may be the best option.
    Also each state has an Association so they may be able to help. Intro's are not the best forum to ask questions. :)

    Good Luck
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