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  1. Sarah-Jane Member

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    Maybe a weird question but anybody got any tips for getting Silver Nitrate off the top of the treatment cabinet? Short of painting the thing.... Its white so it looks dirty and I try to hide it by placing scissors or TG applicators over it haha. Have tried Ammonia but it doesn't seem to do anything. Its been there a couple of months so maybe I'm just stuck with it now.
  2. efuller MVP

    Sounds like a chemistry problem. If it were an organic compound I would suggest rubbing alcohol. AgNOx is not an organic compound. Sounds like an oxidation reduction chemistry problem. Try vinegar? (acetic acid) I just read something that said you need vinegar and aluminum foil to create the oxidation reduction reaction.

    You can use your basic science education in podiatry.
  3. Dieter Fellner Well-Known Member

    Never did find a good solvent (or whatever chemistry) solution for that problem. Looking at those pesky stains also bothered my aesthetic eye. Our Northants clinics bore the AgNa3 scars, here and there. I guess there is only one real solution: prevention is better than cure.

    .... (failing that, cover up the stains with an overlay)

    Gentian Violet is another big offender in the staining stakes
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