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  1. markjohconley Well-Known Member

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    The New Orleans Mothers Day shooting; the ONLY way to stop a bad guy with a gun is not a good guy with a gun but either / or no bad guys or NO GUNS .... mmmmh which way would be easier?
  2. arcom Member

    Had I been there the shooter would be dead.
  3. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    I don't doubt that arcom, but this would be after he had shot everyone, no?
  4. Rick K. Active Member

    Exactly how does this relate to a discussion of podiatry, just like several of your politically oriented posts have had nothing to do with feet or their treatment?
  5. Rick K. Active Member

    And you can rest assured I was glad my wife had a shotgun to run 4 guys off our farm, but she did the math and said she wanted a fully automatic AR15 to make sure she had it covered. And I felt a bit underarmed with a 9mm Browning when 3 thugs turned around in a dark parking lot and split up and started coming down on both sides of our car. Blissfully, they saw another family and turned and went the other direction before I had to protect my small children and wife.
  6. admin Administrator Staff Member

    It has nothing to do with Podiatry or feet, but is posted in the Break Room, where:
  7. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Correct Rick, not related at all. I assume the readers of P-A are intelligent and interested in topics of import other than podiatry. As for podiatry I am not at the same 'level' as many contributors to P-A, I gain FAR more than i contribute.
    Good points Rick, yes protecting one's family is paramount above all else. My only query is what if the 4 guys and thugs were armed with AR15's? and 9mm Browning's, 'bad guys with guns', then the chances of your good wife and yourself surviving those scenarios surely would be reduced?
    All the best to your wife and family, and if you don't like my posts use the 'Ignore' feature as i'm sure many of your 'politics' do, Mark
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