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  1. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

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    The December issue of the British Medical Journal reports the case of an Aussie Rules Footballer who celebrated too long and too well following a victory. He imbibed (arguably) more than his fair share of beer and felt he had reached capacity when he felt a lump in his throat. X ray revealed a beer bottle top lodged in his oesophagus. This had been swallowed all unknowingly. The sage advice from the BMJwas that it is safer to celebrate with the traditional champagne.

    My comment - stick to tinnies, or behave like an English gentleman and use a glass!


  2. twirly Well-Known Member


    Still trying to figure how anyone could ''unknowingly'' swallow a bottle top!


    PS. I think the Aussies must already drink lots of Champers Bill, I've seen all the corks a'danglin' from the hats they all wear. ;)
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