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  1. chris Active Member

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    I have just made the move to Mac at home and Oh! joy, It just works. My wife likes it too.
    Browsing ITunes I stumbled on , Podiatry tip of the day. Podiatry on an IPod. Basic advice with a psychedelic video. Far out!
    However there are also some very interesting lectures on anatomy,blood and diabetes.
    CPD on an IPod. Which makes my Ipod a business tool and tax deductible. Oh Joy!

    Chris radford
  2. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Hi Chris

    Welcome to the Mac world. Although not a computer buff I finally succumbed to the years of my oldest daughter and partners pestering (both are artists, teachers and animators) and traded the PC for a Mac. Great move for us and we soon got used to using the thing. For the first time I enjoy using the computer!

    No doubt true PC wiz people will be bemused at my sad struggles with the PC.

  3. cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    Chris and Ian
    Glad to hear you have been reborn to the cult of the mac fans- you will never look back!
    I have my first mac in the attic, the good old classic!
    I can honestly say, hand on heart , I have never had a problem with a mac, they are reliable and user friendly - you pay a higher price but you get the best.

    Mac fans unite!

  4. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Hey Cornmerchant, Chris

    Perhaps we should become real anoraks :eek: and ask admin to give us our own piece of the forum "Macpod's" :pigs: and Mark Russell could be the honary moderator as a he is from the real Mc country :drinks.

    Have to agree with you CM and am so glad that the new mac's are very slimline as opposed to the old emac my daughter had at uni - still going strong though.

  5. Heretics!!!

    Turn back from your path of evil before it is too late!

    Seriously, how can you take a computer with only one button on the mouse seriously.

    Apple. Ipod, great piece of engineering. Iphone, ditto. Anything with a screen, BURN IT!!!

    A member of the angry mob.
  6. I like this. Beware, there are some words.


    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  7. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Love it:D
  8. Keep up to date. Personally, I use one of these on my mac:

    I use both PC and Mac and the Mac wins every day of the week. The ipod (which has a screen) and the iphone (which has a screen too) are in your book great pieces of engineering that should be burnt? Robert, are you some kind of neo-luddite?

  9. Simon... They got to you as well:eek:.

    I had no idea the conspiracy ran so deep!

    I'll tell you this, You'll never take me alive! I'm hanging onto my PC forev
  10. er.

    Sorry, i crashed:eek:.

    Like i say. You'll never win. Bill Gates will defeat you all!

  11. Ian Linane Well-Known Member

    Makes me feel good that I'm not alone in the apple universe. Mighty mouse works fine for me and I'm just wondering whether to go for the one without the long tail.

    Just love the ultra slim keyboard as well.

  12. perrypod Active Member

    Shocked that anyone would consider using anything else except a Mac! Prior to this posting I assumed all those with savoir faire always did
  13. My first computer, purchased in 1985, was an Apple IIe with dual floppy drives, no hard disk and a primitive color monitor with a dot-matrix printer. I wrote my first Precision Intricast Newsletters and my early papers (Kirby KA: Methods for determination of positional variations in the subtalar joint axis. JAPMA, 77: 228-234, 1987; Kirby KA, Arkin DB, Laine W: Digital systolic pressure determination in the foot. JAPMA, 77: 340-342, 1987; Kirby KA, Loendorf AJ, Gregorio R: Anterior axial projection of the foot. JAPMA, 78: 159-170, 1988; Kirby KA: Rotational equilibrium across the subtalar joint axis. JAPMA, 79: 1-14, 1989) on that thing in "Appleworks" which you had to load via the floppy drive into RAM after the computer was started. However, I thought that Apple IIe was a great machine since it sure beat writing on a typewriter which I used before 1985 for my other writing projects.

    Ever since 1988, however, I have been a PC user, from DOS and now to XP and Vista. I don't see any reason to get a Mac but certainly think each computer type has its pros and cons. I am amused by the level of brand loyalty that each computer type seems to have and by comments such as "Shocked that anyone would consider using anything else except a ......." These type of comments remind me of the near-sighted comments made by owners of Chevys and Fords and how each of them proclaim about all the problems that the other brand of vehicle has. To me, the computer type that should be used seems to be simply a matter of preference and what the individual is familiar with.
  14. twirly Well-Known Member

    Technology hates me.

    No exceptions. Mac! PCs! All of em :bang:

    Even my mobile has a grudge :craig:

    Bring back crayons.............. ;)
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