< Charcot joint disease - in the diabetic foot. | TCC vs WALKER >
  1. unstable mabel Welcome New Poster

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    Just wondering if anyone has used the Optima Diab Boot (from Italy) as an offloading device for treating diabetic forefoot ulcers. I have never used this device before and it has only just become available in Australia. With our summer's hot humid weather about to start, I thought this device might be an alternative to a removable CAM walker considering our sweaty climate. If anyone has experience using the device, I would appreciate your feedback,
    with many thanks!
  2. Hi unstable mabel
    I'm an italian podiatry and i constantly use this boot. The suggestion is to use my Ucero for Grade I and II (Texas classification) of neuropathic origin, above all of the forefoot. I do not always have recourse to the discharge focused mainly use it to grade II.
    TIP You use it in a non-removable because it has a greater effect, replace the exhaust and repackage targeted every 15 days.

    If used properly is a great way for the discharge of neuropathic ulcers

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