< Level of Proof for Forums | keystone education >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    Many of you have noticed the RSS feeds that we take from the Foot Health Forum and the Student Doctor Network. These are in the forum: Feeds From Other Forums. The RSS feed that we have is here, so other forums can take our feed and those with a RSS newsreader can also get the latest going's on (I personally subsrcibe to almost 80 RSS feeds that I get in my newsreader - Newsgator).

    The purpose of these feeds we take are two fold:
    1. Its seen as a service to the Podiatry Arena members to see what is going on in other forums (though at this stage we only have the two mentioned above).
    2. The feeds are from forums that take our feed, so its publicity for them and its publicity for us. Hopefully that leads to more posts and content at both forums.

    ...so I see it as a win-win for everyone.

    To that end I have contacted a few other forums to move this forward, so watch this space.
< Level of Proof for Forums | keystone education >

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