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  1. DPT2012 Welcome New Poster

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    Hello All:

    I recently graduated with my doctorate in physical therapy, and am working in the USA in a hospital-based outpatient practice. We do see a number of patients with podiatric comorbidities or primary diagnoses, so I've found myself increasingly turning to podiatry arena for some education!

    There have been a few threads on here about incompetent physical/physiotherapists, and I have to say I can sympathize. In my opinion, people in my profession are sort of like the girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead....when they are good, they are very very good, but when they are bad, they are horrid!

    Hopefully by educating myself and remaining objective I can avoid being one of the "horrid" PTs out there. :) I'm attracted (perhaps....addicted?) to podiatry arena because of the highly professional attitude that prevails on this site, as well as the constant use of peer reviewed research to make points. Physical therapy is a field that is sometimes lacking in evidence based medicine, so it is encouraging and refreshing to see it used so commonly here.

    Compared to most members on this forum I am not even close to an expert, so I plan to be mainly "lurking," and absorbing information. Maybe if I get an interesting case I can't clear up from the tags/old threads, I'll post.

    Thanks once again for a wonderful resource!
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