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  1. Phil1234 Welcome New Poster

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    I had plantar fasciitis and cured it within 24 hours. No sales pitch, no gimmicks, nothing in it for me. I took Indocid for gout and the next day my chronic plantar had gone, never to return. So if you have plantar, ask your GO for a script and try it. Indocid is an approved drug so it is not risque and what have you got to lose? My plantar was so severe I had dine all the recommended stuff to no avail, even including cortisone injections. I was seriously contemplating surgery. But Indocid fixed what nothing else did. I have contacted numerous agencies about this but to no avail. I even contacted the manufacturer of Indocid. Maybe there is a connection between plantar and lactic acid? Try it. All the best. Phil.
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    ..or more likely you did not have plantar fasciitis and the heel pain was more likely caused by gout.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2023
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