< Peroneal muscle inhibition | Chasing footprints in time – reframing our understanding of human foot function >
  1. A.T. Lewis Welcome New Poster

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    Howdy everyone, I am thinking about joining Taekwondo. My sons is a 8 and is blue/white belt. He is losing some interest. But has asked me to join in helping the with class. The Master has offered, a sweet deal. But I have planter fasciitis (PF). Dealing with it for around 9 years. I initially received the injections. Which made my conditions worse. But I wasn’t given options, nor was I mature enough at the time to do research. I was an avid runner and did it to myself of getting PF. Plus working 10+ hr days, 6 days a week at the time on concrete. I have had the customs orthotics and nearly every shelf brand for orthotics and shoes. Stretching hasn’t helped, due to other lower back issues. In which also have bulging discs in my lumbar region. In return, keep my leg muscles tight (glutes all the way down) also my feet suffer. I have had so many misdiagnosis and seen so many types of doctors or practices. I’ve done everything recommended by each practice. Well I am finally starting therapy on the bulging discs this month. I really want to tackle this. But need to be ready for the challenges I’ll face with taekwondo lessons and helping in my son’s classes. Thank you and I am open to all feed back.
  2. Dan T Active Member

    If you're PF is Aggy Taekwondo will soon ramp it up a few notches. I would seek a competent Podiatrist. If it's been around 8 years shockwave in combination with progressive overload being carefully managed.
    Stop stretching imo. Loosening of a muscle your nervous system has tightened for a reason is like kicking the walking sticks out from under a pensioner.
    Incorporate some full body work. I like Tom Morrisons SMM for a good entry level, progressive programme.
    Good luck
< Peroneal muscle inhibition | Chasing footprints in time – reframing our understanding of human foot function >

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