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    Treatment of Forefoot Problems in Older People: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Podiatric Treatment With Standardized Shoe Advice
    Babette C. van der Zwaard, PhD, Henriëtte E. van der Horst, MD, PhD, Dirk L. Knol, PhD, Benedicte Vanwanseele, PhD and Petra J. M. Elders, MD, PhD
    Ann Fam Med September/October 2014 vol. 12 no. 5 432-440
  2. robsobel Welcome New Poster

    Interesting study, although I don't know of many GP's (general practitioners) who feel comfortable giving footwear advice. If the GP is reluctant to refer the patient to a DPM (which is unusual in my area), they could refer the patient to a pedorthist. Chances are the pedorthist is going to have access to a greater variety of appropriate footwear and pedorthic devices that may give them additional relief.
  3. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    l also found that a strange study, most, maybe even all the GP's l have had anything to do with know little to nothing about footwear?

    Logic would be to refer on to a Certified Pedorthist.
  4. markjohconley Well-Known Member

    Surely a greater chance of correct prescription from the pedorthotist
  5. Boots n all Well-Known Member

    Hi Mark, yes you would think so, but we the Certified Pedorthist are not on the radar of most health professional's, boards or advisory panels, so many researchers right things about footwear but have no to little intrinsic knowledge of the subject or that Certified Pedorthist exist.

    For example, to my knowledge there is not a Certified Pedorthist on the review or advisory panels of DVA, SWEP, HARP, ENABLE or TAC and l could be here all day on that list.

    The real question is how do we change that?
  6. caf002 Active Member

    Hi David, Mark, et al,
    The question of perception and recognition of pedorthists is at the heart of the issue and our Association is working hard towards this. We are not competing with other health professions. We are complimentary. We need to work together. There will be some overlap, but that is a positive thing. An overlap in contribution and participation is better than having gaps!
  7. T_NL Welcome New Poster

    Hi to everybody,

    Before I start my comment, I haven't read the full article.

    A lot of foot pain is caused by inappropiate shoes, so handing out a leaflet with proper shoe information @ the GP could solve a lot of people's pain without needing to consult a podiatrist. Most patients are referred by the GP so they've already made that visit. When you look at the cost, this could be a lot cheaper.

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