< NHS Podiatry W.I.I. Biomechanics Post Kent | East Sussex Part-Time Podiatry Post >
  1. dpaterson Welcome New Poster

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    Hi there

    I am a newly qualified podiatrist from Glasgow Caledonian University and I am looking for any podiatry jobs in Scotland. I live in the south side of Glasgow but I am willing to move anywhere in Scotland. I have been applying to jobs advertised on the SHOW website but wondering if anyone is advertising elsewhere that I may have missed.

    Since graduating I am currently working a part-time job in retail as well as getting work experience from podiatrists in Clarkston Clinic. I also helped out as a podiatrist at the Great Scottish Run 2009.

    Many thanks

  2. jmcl Welcome New Poster

    Hi Danielle,

    I qualified from Glasgow Caledonian University in 2006 and have only now been offered a full time permanent contract with the NHS. You are in a better position than me in that you have experience of working post qualification, I was attending interviews far and wide with no experience which put me at a disadvantage. I got a job in the borders initially which meant living away from home all week but was great to see a new area and I worked with great people. I now work in the central belt, firstly on a fixed term contract but a permanent job came up and I applied with everyone else and got it. If I could give you any advice it would be to continue to maintain your obviously high levels of enthusiasm, even if the 'you have been unsuccessful on this occasion' letters seem neverending. Always sell yourself and all that you are doing when at an interview, find out about the NHS area you are applying to work in and how the podiatry department works. If I was in your position again I would join and attend all my local Society meetings as they are a good way of meeting up with other podiatrists in the area who work privately and for the NHS.

    Good luck, I'm sure you will find the right job and have a long and happy career in Podiatry.

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