< Podiatrist position in Abu Dhabi -urgent (for woman only ) | PART TIME/FULL TIME PODIATRIST WANTED - NEW GRADS WELCOME - IPSWICH >
  1. insolePRO Welcome New Poster

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    Our long established podiatry practice is looking for a podiatrist to join the team. The position involves carrying out routine podiatry treatments and house calls. A car owner is essential, as we have clinics in St Andrews, Cupar and Anstruther.
    The position can either be as a self employed associate or on a salaried basis 2-5 days per week.
    Experience is preferred but not essential as mentoring can be provided.
    Please send CV to Sara at podofit.net
< Podiatrist position in Abu Dhabi -urgent (for woman only ) | PART TIME/FULL TIME PODIATRIST WANTED - NEW GRADS WELCOME - IPSWICH >

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