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  1. London Pod Member

  2. Lawrence Bevan Active Member


    you seen this?

    This report from the DoH recommended advancing Podiatrists to independent prescriber status. The next step is public consulation and the results of this will be passed to the Medicines Commission for the final verdict.
  3. London Pod Member

    Hi Lawrence

    Was aware of this its been around for about a year, I understand it is still ongoin but the DOH say it will be about 3 years before the first prescriber occurs due to consultation, the legislation then training etc

    Will be amazing when it comes through but in the mean time extesnion of exemptions would bridge the gap
  4. Lawrence Bevan Active Member

    The process is still ongoing, so long as the project is funded by the Government through to completion. The public consultation phase is about to begin, I think.

    I may be wrong but I think its expected that Patient Group Directives are intended to be the main means of access to PoM's for AHP's until the possible changes.
  5. London Pod Member

    Hi Lawrence

    As I saidd in my reply I am well aware of the progress on the precribing project and the consltation has not yet begun, they have just recruited a plicy officer at the DOH to start of the necessary processes.

    It will take 3 years before the 1st prescribed is arouind

    as for PGD these have a limited scope , and not appropriate in all situations, hence why we currently have expemtions under the medicines act, PGD allow issue of drugs for a specific group of conditions and is effectively treatment by alogrithm.

    The expemtions to the POM list allow podiatrists to use their professional judgement.

    PGDs for expample are not of any benefit to our PP colleagues.

    I would envisage as always that there will be much resistance to prescribing rights at the consultation stage, indeed there was huge resistance when the exemption list included antibiotics, therefore the more vevidence we have of safe usage of POMs via expemtions then the easier it will be at cosnulation to justify prescribing rights.

    I urge all podiatrists to support an extension of the exemptions lists, it is a stepping stone to full independent prescribing rights, and will allow access to much needed medications at an earlier stage while awaiting prescribing rights which will be sevral years still
  6. W J Liggins Well-Known Member

    The Institute have representation on the relevant committees and are pursuing the matter with vigour (we owe a lot to Darryn Marks who is a Physio). Whether a member of the Institute or not, would you please send a list of all the POMs which you might wish to recommend to your patient to request from their GP, or through PGDs etc. The list could include expanded antibiosis, MSK drugs, lipid regulating drugs, diuretics, drugs used in anaemias, steroids, sedatives, dermatological drugs. In fact anything which you might reasonably wish a patient to take, remembering, that as London Pod has pointed out PGDs and 'half measures' are unlikely to help the vast majority of the profession in pp. Please send lists to jill@iocp.org.uk


  7. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  8. kitos Active Member

    Totally agree with the facts of the petition...just a shame that there are spelling mistakes in there that makes it look totally unprofessional!

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