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  1. victoriah Active Member

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    Hello all!

    I'm just wondering if it is possible to be listed on the hpc register under two different names? Say maiden name and married name? I am at present advertising under a different name than that on the register, and predictably have been reported to the hpc as practising illegally.

    I did clear it with the hpc a couple of years back. Does anyone know if the rules have since changed?

    Thanks, and a HNY to all,

  2. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hi Victoria,
    I did ask the HPC about this issue of different names some time ago.
    The answer to your question is "No" - you can't be listed under two different name.
    They say that you can practice under any name you choose but would prefer you practised using the same name as on the register, as this stops them having to deal with queries such as you have mentioned. This is not mandatory, however.

    If you have been reported for practising illegally then at least it shows that someone is accessing the Register !!


  3. victoriah Active Member

    Oh thank you so much for this...it would be a lot easier to be listed under both, to be honest. I've sent them an email to confirm my identity, so hopefully that will be the last of it (until the next time). I'm assuming they keep a record of 'other' names, otherwise they will be resending the same letter each time I'm 'dobbed in', so to speak.

    Thanks again,

  4. Paul_UK Active Member

    Would it not be easier to just list yourself on the register under the name you are advertising/working under?
  5. Marion A Murray Active Member

    As far as I understand the HPC register has only provision for one name listing. With the HPC aim to have openness and transparency for the public to be able to check registration and/or make a complaint/raise a concern the registrant's legally recorded name would be preferrable.

    Is it possible for you to decide on one name or the other for the sake of clarity?

    However, perhaps this is something that you should raise directly with them or take advice from an Employment Relations Officer or similar? It is an issue many must face.

    Certainly HPC is tightening up on issues and unfortunately once one is caught up in their complaints system things drag on and the damage personally and professionally is difficult to calculate almost regardless of the outcome.

    Good luck

  6. victoriah Active Member

    Yes, it's time to make a decision, I agree. And you are right about it being damaging: I have since discovered that the person who reported me is another practitioner, who has informed several of my patients that I am practising illegally and without qualifications. Accurate, no doubt, in their mind, but a tad preemptive.

    It makes sense, because I've never met a patient who has even heard of the hpc, let alone accessed the register, so I did think it a bit odd.

    The hpc have confirmed the case is closed, but I've offered to pay for two formal listings on the register. Just to see if it's possible.
  7. victoriah Active Member

    Not entirely, as I work under both names, albeit in different geographical regions.

    The reason being that in one area there is a 'nurse who cuts nails on the side' with the same name as me, so I use a different name (maiden name) to distinguish myself. My 'real' name I use for all formal documentation: insurance, hpc, cheques etc.

    So a 'double listing' would suit me fine. Either that or drop all reference to the hpc/chiropody/podiatry and advertise myself as an FHP...someone did once suggest that as a solution, but that must still breach some law, I assume. As well as making my First Class Honours degree a bit pointless.
  8. While nothing to do with the HPC how unprofessional are people, So if I have this right Victoria you are a Pod who uses her maiden name - which does happen quite a lot in Australia. Many have a maiden/professional name then use their married tittle for private. My sister did it for years.

    And now you have some slimey little person trying to undermine you to grab some patients.

    Talk about being unprofessional, something very wrong here.
  9. cornmerchant Well-Known Member


    With respect, as a private practitioner surely you should use the one name under which your business is registered for tax purposes? Would having two names mean that you are trading with two businesses? If so, doesn't this just complicate things?
    It would seem pointless paying the HPC twice, I resent having to pay them once!

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  10. victoriah Active Member

    Yeah, it would have been better to check first than to shout it all over town without any proof. The irony being that the nail-cutting nurse I mentioned before, who is unqualified and maybe even uninsured is routinely referred to by patients as a 'chiropodist'.

    What I don't understand is this: what's the problem with being on the register under two names if you use both names in your work? It doesn't exactly generate a lot of work to add a second name one hpc number. I'm sure it makes life easier for the hpc themselves to have one name to deal with, but it doesn't make my life easier, nor my patients', who are quite confused and upset by the other practitioner's comments.
  11. victoriah Active Member

    Nope the tax people have my business (which is not a limited company) listed under both names with no probems at all. They just care about money going in and out of accounts, they don't care what name it's in. I clarified it with them 2 years ago, and they raised no objections...in fact they stated it's quite common for married women to continue using their maiden name in business.

    All this has been ticking over nicely for 2 years, hence I assumed it wasn't an issue.
  12. victoriah Active Member

    I would pay twice if it stopped me being dobbed in every time someone decides to do a check. For one thing it's tax deductible (though a bit mad, I grant you), and it would make it all 'above board' so to speak. I really don't want to be registered solely under my maiden name, because I would have to change all my formal documentation back...just for the sake of being able to place an ad. And I don't want another scary letter with a case number and all that...

    If I can't be listed under two names officially I am tempted to advertise as a fhp. The hpc isn't something that the GBP seem to care a great deal about, so I doubt whether it will affect my trade. And I won't be breaking any rules or laws (I don't think I will be)...so everyone will be happy. Simples.
  13. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hi Victoriah,

    I wonder how you know this as all the HPC investigations are confidential. Only if there is a "case to answer" does it go into the public domain via the HPc site ??

    regards CF
  14. victoriah Active Member

    A couple of my patients phoned me to ask what was going on. They had heard a rumour that another practitioner had reported me, and assumed I was unable to honour appointments.

    One patient's daughter sees this other pod, and he had told her during the consultation. On another occasion, the receptionist told her neighbour (who is also my patient) that I had been reported. So it is only guesswork, I grant you, I have no proof.
  15. cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    It now seems that your problem is just all hearsay and not founded on fact.
    I cannot imagine why you would advertise yourself as a FHP rather than choose one name or the other. What would be the advantage of that?
    Being on the hpc register twice ,if that were possible also increases your chance of being selected for audit. !
    It seems clear that you need to sort the issue out for all concerned and for peace of mind.

  16. George Brandy Active Member

    Hi Victoria

    I am with Michael on this one.

    What is wrong with us HPC registrants? If we have an issue surrounding registration why can't we ask one another for a HPC registration number? If we can't supply, then contact the HPC. What a nasty piece of work (NPoW) to generate local gossip with the sole aim to damage. It seems to be a failing amongst Podiatrists to denigrate one another sooner than to defend let alone support.

    OK it would be simpler to register both yourself and your business name with the HPC. This would seem enormously logical to me but we cannot. It is easy enough to publicise your registration number in as many venues as possible - practice window, signs, stationary but if someone has got it in for you they are going to do whatever they can to damage.

    Hearsay, gossip whatever you wish to call it whether founded, unfounded can be hugely damaging to your business reputation but Victoria I do believe you can turn around the damage that this NPoW may have knowingly caused by creating some fabulous PR for your business.

    A short article for your local newspaper about you, your practice, the confusion regarding your HPC registration and what HPC registration means. Include a voucher for people to cut out which promotes your registration number, your practice and a discount off treatment. Go for it.

  17. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Hi Victoria,
    GB has given some excellent advice (as usual).

    There is a saying about "the only thing worse than bad publicity is no publicity"! I would take it as a back-handed compliment that someone has taken the trouble to gossip about you. If you weren't a threat to their practice then they wouldn't bother would they?

    Good luck

  18. victoriah Active Member

    Wow, what a fantastic idea...thank you so much for this suggestion, I'm so very pleased I posted about this issue now. The whole situation got to me a little last week, with even more patients phoning me to ask if I was still able to work legally, had I been struck off etc. All actually very supportive and kind, and interestingly all quoting the same source...

    This is such a great idea, to take control of the situation, rather than just ignore it and hope it blows over. Thanks again, George.

  19. victoriah Active Member

    Nice bit of positive thinking, there, Catfoot!

    For all those following this thread I can confirm the situation with the hpc is unchanged and as stated earlier in the thread: we are able to use any name we like, but they prefer consistency, as it obviously makes life easier.

    The hpc did seem a little surprised that the person hadn't phoned me first to check as to whether I did have a registration number under another name. Apparently it's quite unusual to mention the hpc at all in advertising or promotional material if unregistered: most ftp cases are simply incorrect usage of the word 'chiropody'.
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