< Growths in the area of the proximal nail fold | Is there a place for tea tree oil in foot care? >
  1. DAVOhorn Well-Known Member

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    Dear All,

    After over 25 years in continuous Practice , both in NHS and Private Practice, I am wondering how feasible it would be to return to Practice.

    I am aware of the Outline Guidelines on Returning to Practice :

    30 days Direct Clinical Supervision
    30 Days of Mandatory and Non Mandatory CPD over a 12 month period.

    But is there a demand for returnees of Mature Years ( 64 ) who have a desire to return to Practice.

    I am in receipt of my NHS Pension since the age of 60 years , but additional Income from returning to Practice would enhance my Life Style both Financially and Emotionally.

    I have been doing Voluntary Work for the last 7-8 years to keep my Brain Active and to be of help to others.

    I have also Been in Further Education/ Training in the following : Level 2 and 3 IMI Light Vehicle Mechanics ( I wanted to improve my skills so that i could have a classic car ). In addition Level 2 City And Guilds Cycle Mechanics as i was involved in a Cycle Recycling Voluntary Group repairing Bicycles for people who could not afford to buy a new Bicycle. I Also did a Counselling Course to try to improve my understanding of how People think and react to Adverse Life Events. I also for about 4 years maintained my Registration and CPD until i decided that i indeed did wish to retire.

    So i have not been indolent over the last 12 years since taking early retirement.

    So what do you say about this idea ?

    Advice on what to do would be most gratefully received.


    David Cooper
< Growths in the area of the proximal nail fold | Is there a place for tea tree oil in foot care? >

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