< Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis | Broken finger, could I still legally work? >
  1. mwlfoot Welcome New Poster

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    Hi everyone.

    I am trying to return to practice after 14 years so a long time has passed and I imagine that although the basics has remained the same a lot will have changed as well but as I have 420 hours of study to achieve is a lot of time to make up but necessary and there is a wealth of knowledge on here which is going to make a world of a difference but I would really like some suggestions from any members on any :-

    helpful advice
    significant changes in the last 14 years
    good articles to checkout
    changes around legislation
    opinions on any courses that have been helpful and worthwhile (esp if you paid for them)
    advice on how to get shadowing
    advice on how to get some clinical practice
    Any positive comments to keep me goin would always be welcome too when am :bang:

    Its a gonna be a long road ahead but with your help I hope I will get there I have a plan but am sure that will change as I go and take on board from your advice

    Thanks in advance

  2. Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. Catfoot Well-Known Member

  4. Wendy Active Member

    Hi, I am also on the road to returning to practice however I was only out for 4 years. Have you joined the SCP (presuming you are UK based...). They have a load of PDF self assessment courses to do and a useful logging system to keep track of your hours of CPD, also if you join them the local meetings count as CPD and you will get to know pods local to yourself who might be able to help with mentoring (I am EXTREMELY lucky with my mentor who is amazing!). There will be different approaches to things but as you say the basics are the same.
    Best of luck with your endeavor
  5. mwlfoot Welcome New Poster

    Thanks to you all for your comments so far I live in leigh greater Manchester I tried to regain my registration 5 years ago and joinned their associate program but didn't get much out so I will look into it

  6. rmlg55555 Member

    The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists have a list of mentors - so check out your area. I was very lucky to find one in my hometown.
< Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis | Broken finger, could I still legally work? >

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