< 5th metatarsal base fx & sprain in athlete, continued pain and mixed recovery recommendations | Had lisfranc surgery several years ago, having a lot of pain again, no new trauma >
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    Hi, I found this site by accident, but hopefully I will get some answers. I look forward to any comments, experiences, ideas...

    I am scheduled to have my screws removed 5 years post LisFranc surgery. After the original surgery, I was under the impression that my foot was in such bad shape they (the screws) would never come out. Regardless of my remarkable recovery, my age and my previous injuries and arthritis would never allow me (according to my MD.) to get the pins removed.

    Now I...

    Screw removal 5yrs post LisFranc Surgery

    Continue reading...
< 5th metatarsal base fx & sprain in athlete, continued pain and mixed recovery recommendations | Had lisfranc surgery several years ago, having a lot of pain again, no new trauma >

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