< Avulsion Fracture of 5th Metatarsal & reattachment of Peroneus Brevis | P.T.T.D PROBLEM -what exercises are there >
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    I am a freshman in college. I ran cross country and track for four years in high school. I occasionally had shin problems and had a metatarsal stress...

  2. drsarbes Well-Known Member

    sesamoiditis is rather common. Various foot types and / or activities will predispose you to this.

    Treatment depends on the origin and extent. A simple acute sesamoiditis (which is apparently what your trainer diagnosed this as) will subside with rest, ice, etc...

    If you have a biomechanical predisposition a properly made orthotic may help.

    If you have a fractured sesamoid, these may not heal and may require surgical excision. There are also arthritic sesamoidal-metatarsal conditions which will be more of a chronic problem if you are a runner.

    You need to have a Podiatric physician, orthopedic specializing in sports medicine or foot and ankle orthopedic examine you.

    Good Luck.

< Avulsion Fracture of 5th Metatarsal & reattachment of Peroneus Brevis | P.T.T.D PROBLEM -what exercises are there >

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