< The Foot Function Index revisited | Forensic gait analysis: code of practice >
  1. quiltypie Member

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    Dear fellow pods,
    I am doing an infection control audit of my practice. My main issue is finding a good small sharps container for the domiciliary bag. I have used the small blue ones by Swann Morton (the Paragon sharps container) and put it in a bag or box. Either way the sharps fall out and are a danger to the practitioner. The click smart has the same problem as well as being bulky in the bag. Does anyone have a small sharps container for scalpel blades that stops them falling out? Look forward to your advice and any links to suitable products please. (The 1.4L BD sharps container is too bulky and the lid does not seem secure enough for my bag.)
  2. LuxeMED Welcome New Poster

    Hi Quiltypie,

    A few months have passed since your post - did you find a solution? Perhaps this is a common need amongst mobile Podiatrists?

    All the best
  3. Catfoot Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if this will count as 'advertising' and may be disallowed but here goes;

  4. quiltypie Member

    Thanks Catfoot.
    I have used these before. The issue is with the blades falling out into the bottom of the bag. The same issue with the small blue portabke blade remover.Not a risk I am willing to take. I have tried putting them in bags or containers but you cant see where the loose blades are when you go to use them again. For now I am keeping the blades on the scalpel in a hard plastic container until they can be processed. At least this way I know where they are when I take them out.
  5. blinda MVP

  6. Acc Welcome New Poster

    I can see I’m massively late to the party for this reply but if you’re still after a pocket sharps bin for Dom work then I can vouch for the Frontier pocket sharps safe. If you Google it there are several suppliers
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