< bumped my ankle | Blunt injury to top of foot... now large fluid lump >
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    Long story short, I sprained my ankle. Docs told me it would heal on its own. 3 months after the injury I started getting numbness in my foot. Went...

  2. drsarbes Well-Known Member

    Without examining you, it is most likely that you ruptured the anterior talofibular ligament and had some superficial peroneal nerve injury as well. The nerve pain was probably secondary to traction.
    There are, as you are aware, more than one superficial peroneal nerve branch. These supply sensation to the top of the foot and toes.

    Depending on how the ligament damage was repaired, there is always a chance that these small sensory nerves may become entrapped in scar tissue.

    Was this discussed with you prior to surgery?

    Steve A., DPM, FACFAS
< bumped my ankle | Blunt injury to top of foot... now large fluid lump >

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