< Hyperbaric O2 Chambers for Podiatry | Inadequate footwear tripled risk for amputation >
  1. ELM Member

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    Hello All,

    I hope I am posting in the right section of the arena!

    I have seen a patient today:73 years old, history of type 2 diabetes, polymyalgia rheumatica, OA, osteoporosis, L4/5 disc prolapse, and macular degeneration. She is describing a sensation in her feet as though she has been "playing in glue, and it's still tacky". On further questioning, she mentioned a tight feeling, but prefers the word 'sticky' to describe it.

    She has made no change to medications, laundry detergent, soap/shampoo, or footwear/hosiery, and no change to activities. The feeling is described as "not painful or worrying, but it's just there all the time" - sensation constant regardless of activity, position, time of day etc.

    This lady attends for nailcare, and has only slight anhydrosis - a neurovascular assessment performed at another clinic in January this year was reported as normal.

    I have suggested keeping a diary and taking note if there are any differences in the sensation, and recommended daily application of emollient.

    Any ideas???
  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    most likely a neuropathy developing
< Hyperbaric O2 Chambers for Podiatry | Inadequate footwear tripled risk for amputation >

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