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  1. David Wedemeyer Well-Known Member

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    Any thoughts, experience with this Stride RX24 Quadra Step System? It touts the 24 Adult Foot Types as the basis of orthosis dispensing. What say you and I wonder if we could persuade the people behind this to come out and play in the road?

  2. Craig Payne Moderator

    Its just another reductionist, pigeon holing approach. It a variation on the foot typing approaches.

    The developer has a patent on it.

    I guess its a good way to market pre-fab orthotics to those with a limited undestanding of foot orthotics and foot biomechanics.

    I do have two slides in the Boot Camps in which I cover this approach ....
  3. David:

    Foot typing.......a step backward for podiatric biomechanics!!
  4. David Wedemeyer Well-Known Member

    Craig and Kevin,

    I have no issue with prefabs and honestly feel that certain basic foot shapes and conditions might be amenable to well conceived prefab designs and intrinsic modifications. Hey, now there's an idea!;)

    I just hope someone from their company can come and explain their system a bit more because while I feel some prefabs are well conceived, others are tragically inferior.
  5. robby Active Member

    This system has just been started to be marketed in the UK by Talar Made. Seems very much to be aimed at the Orthoist at the moment, will be intersting to see it at the SoCaP conference in Bournemouth.

    seems to be based around a very simplistic method of foot typing.

    funny how when these things come out and you look at the testimonials on the website then check the contact you find that the testemonial wirters often have a stake in the companies!
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