< New idea - curious for your thoughts | california to capetown >
  1. Simon4 Welcome New Poster

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    I'm currently studying a B.Science and want to transfer to a B.Podiatry (3 yr degree) next year at the same uni. I live close to this uni, literally a 400m walk.
    But another uni (1hr drive away) now offers a B.Health Sc/Masters Podiatric Medicine, so a double degree over 4 years.

    I know at the end of the day you still get a podiatry degree, but are there significant advantages of going with the double degree? For example, masters? 3yr vs 4yr? work opportunities?

    A second yr Podiatry student at my current uni recommended that I study elsewhere. He said that two years is too short to study Podiatry - knowledge and experience. But this isn't a reliable source, as I am sure that many students achieve well in this degree at this uni.

    Any words of advice would be awesome !

  2. twirly Well-Known Member

    Hi Simon & :welcome: to Podiatry Arena,

    I'm guessing you are in the United Kingdom? If you are I would advise you repost your question in the UK forum which may gain more replies. Not all members browse the Introductions area of The Arena.

    Good luck & kind regards,

    Mandy. :drinks
< New idea - curious for your thoughts | california to capetown >

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