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  1. Cameron Well-Known Member

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    Changes in the NHS regulations in April 2005 has enabled pods, physios and radiographers to gain access to Supplementary Prescriptions rights.



    Well worth a read and will certainly interest those reviewing podiatry programs. The custom and practice in the UK has been once Supplementary Prescription Rights have been granted then Intedendent Prescription Rights will liklely follow.

    This has serious implications for undergraduate core syllabi and gives fine focus for post graduate and CPD in podiatry.

    What say you?

    Getting my thongs , ready
  2. Akbal Active Member

    prescription rights


    You have mentioned in the past that independent prescribing rights are on the way. I wonder where did you hear this and will it be part of the Porcine Aviation Bill that was mentioned in the queens speech.

    Akbal ;)
  3. Cameron Well-Known Member


    >You have mentioned in the past that independent prescribing rights are on the way. I wonder where did you hear this..

    Hi Akbal what I said was.
    >The custom and practice in the UK has been once Supplementary Prescription Rights have been granted then Independent Prescription Rights will likely follow...

    So it is not written in stone but likely to come to pass based on history.

    Speaking to people who work within the Government and with HPC, it is felt, independent status will be a logical progression, and unlikely to be granted only after supplementary status on the profession has been first established.

    I hope that clarifies the point.


  4. Akbal Active Member

    prescription rights


    I am sure you are right but I will not be convinced until it happens.

    And as far a supplementary prescribing, group protocols give more freedom to the clinicians and have been around for some time and appear to be easier to organise. What do you think of them?

  5. Cameron Well-Known Member


    I think the intent of government is clear and manifest. They will forge changes in the health care industry and not always to the good, I fear. The momentum of change is in overdrive and abrupt to keep pace with the Agenda. and silence its critics. Unfortunately I do not have a crystal bowl but my guess is there has been a line drawn in the sand and there is no going back.

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