< The Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists - CEO | Podiatrists in decline >
  1. Lovefeet Banned

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    Round One :boxing:

    How do people feel about the The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrist (SCP), do you feel you get value for money, do you feel that they are addressing Podiatry issues and raising foot awareness to your liking.

    I do not have any beef with them, but feel that they could definately do more to promote Podiatry in the year 2012. There is nothing on their website that informs the public what the difference is between Podiatrists and Foot Health Practitioners. This would be very helpful to members of the public., and it would also be helpful to Podiatrists, in order to inform the public.

    It may not be on the cards for them to do that, but they may want to consider it in these financial times. Because if people do not have a Podiatry job, they cannot afford the SCP annual subscription fees. Folk, can quite easily go to an insurance broker and get Public Insurance Liability through the insurance broker at just over £100 per year and then if they want they can buy the Podiatry Now magazine from the SCP every month for under £10. If I am not mistaken I think Unison also offers a very good package for Podiatrists (that is if you want a Trade Union - they also include insurance for folk whose main line of work is NHS work). Another thing that the SCP can consider doing is to assist Podiatrists who are in private practice or setting up in private practice and allowing them some reprieve with annual subscriptions. Perhaps just the amount to cover the public liability insurance and maybe £30 per year for the other bits and bobs they offer......just to assist the private Podiatrists who may not be doing too well financially whilst they getting themselves set up.

    However, in my opinion if the SCP did have a section for the public informing them of what the difference is between Podiatrists and FHPs, it could help in assisting the Podiatrists in private practice......- just a thought!!!:dizzy:
  2. Wendy Active Member

    I think one of the things they need to sort out as a matter of urgency is to check that all the podiatrists listed on the 'Search for a podiatrist' is up to date! I have not been a member for nearly 3 years yet I am still listed as having a practice:wacko: This is very misleading for the public and, to my mind, does not show professional practice! Just wonder how many more on the list are no longer members? Am now off for :drinks. Have a good w/end everyone...
  3. Lovefeet Banned

    Hhm Wendy, think you onto something there. Maybe they will sort something out in the very near future (fingers crossed).
  4. Snowstorm Active Member

    Do not waste your time with the Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists. In my opinion
    they are not representative of the profession. I have been a podiatrist for 27 years and have seen very little evidence of any proactive effort on their behalf.
    In my experience they are rude and arrogant not even responding to my letters enclosing correspondences with the Health Minister. It is my view that they are stuffed shirts sitting in an ivory tower looking forward to pension day.
    The profession is a dying duck simply because protected titles are not aligned with function. I recently became an inventor but will not associate its acclaim or success with my profession on principle.
    My advice to any podiatrist is to form a new representative professional body or give up and start a less frustrating career.
  5. corndolly Member

    Hi I'm a podiatrist for over 20yrs, having worked in both the UK and Ireland as a private pod. I am a member of the institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists in UK but have been thinking of moving to the society in Ireland because I am not happy with the way the Institute seems to be moving. But the last few threads worry me. I always thought the Society was much better organised and was more proactive in making people aware of foot health issues. I agree there should be some definition between the work the FHP are able to do, as the one I know locally pretends to be more qualified than a BSc PodMed and charges accordingly. People go to him because of this and then flock to me to sort out the mess -so I end up doing more work for less pay.!There is no redress as he is not calling himself a ch or a Pod.

    Also does anyone know what is happening in the Institute. There is a rumour out that the president has resigned but we don't know what's happening!
  6. Snowstorm Active Member

    Save your money. Three Counties Insurance will provide adequate professional
    liability insurance. Start up a local podiatry group and lobby your MP.
    The real problem is ineffectual leadership and representation. The solution is to form a strong union with podiatrists who want a better future.:pigs:
  7. Lovefeet Banned

    Snowstorm, I hear you regarding white tower and stronger voice problem. Why don't you lead the way....Um what exactly would be lobbying for?????

    Corndolly, The Society did well with getting the title Chiropodist protected. However, from that point onwards, I agree with Snowstorm - they disappeared into their white-tower...and left Pods to fight their own battles. Take Snowstorm's advice, hang onto your money, just subscribe to the Podiatry Now magazine and get public liability insurance. Hopefully, we will get a strong Podiatry voice in the near future.
  8. rosherville Active Member

    'The Society did well with getting the title Chiropodist protected'.

    They didn`t, did they ?
  9. Snowstorm Active Member

    Your question is a clear illustration of the professions demise!
    Podiatrists in US America have no problems in this respect. You simply make a better case for protecting the public by aligning title with function. This does not mean that you put all Foot Care Practitioners on the unemployment register, but restrict practices and claims which are not appropriate in relation to their training. I would be prepared to take a lead on this but the current level of complacency in the profession makes me think it would not be an effective use of my time. Secondly I have found a way of subsidising my poor podiatry income through my inventions eg Pressure Activated Transdermal Medicament Delivery Systems UK Patent GB2448855 which has received global recognition.
  10. I think the SCP does as good a job as anyone could trying to represent such a disparate and diverse group.
  11. rosherville Active Member


    'Your question is a clear illustration of the professions demise !'

    No, you misunderstood my question.

    I was questioning the accuracy of your statement that ''The Society did well with getting the title Chiropodist protected'. ie. that they were responsible.
  12. Snowstorm Active Member

    Reply to Lovefeet:morning:
  13. rosherville Active Member

  14. Bev Ashdown Welcome New Poster

    Anything to help the private Podiatrist would be good.... and anything to differentiate between various people who 'do feet' for a living would be even better. It is hard enough for us professionals to tell who is who and who does what, how on earth can the public make proper choices?

    I am just about to post something else myself, please take a look and see you you can help me.

    Bev Ashdown
  15. Lovefeet Banned

    Snowstorm......impressive invention. Don't you want to subside your income even more and start a Podiatry and Chiropody Council (HCPC registrants ONLY), with a low membeship fee,(maybe have it as a co-operative) and start podiatry campaigns going. Yes, I think your restriction on FHP what they can/cannot do would be good.

    Have to agree with you Bev. The Society MUST have a section on their website for private practice practitioners - offer support with starting up private practice. And its an absolute must that they mention on their website, for the public, what the difference is between Pods and FHPs. They must also state on their website that Podiatrists are also in private practice. However, I really don't think that is on the SOCP agenda.

    Bev maybe you want to start up another Podiatry Trade Union (strictly HCPC members only). See above reply to Snowstorm.
  16. Snowstorm Active Member

    Perhaps a good way to start would be to use Podiatry Arena to ascertain the strength of feeling and support for a more representative professional body.
    Once numbers are assessed a more formal communication could be set up with subscription funding. I hate to be pessimistic but I have done this before to discover an entrenched apathy and lack of support. "Give it a go"

  17. Lovefeet Banned

    The Society updated the front page of their website.......promoting Podiatry schools and Podiatric Surgeons.......but nothing to state what the difference is between Pods and FHPs:sinking:

    ..........and they still have FHPs on their Accreditation Podiatry scheme......:bash:

    Aren't we lucky to have such a brilliant professional body, who care so much with regard to protecting the public.

    :dizzy: Go The Society Go Go Go - you are the best!!!!:dizzy:
  18. Lovefeet Banned

    On a serious note....do we report The Society to the POLICE because they are intentionally causing harm to the public, by allowing non- Podiatrists to state they are Accredited Podiatrists on The Society website? :wacko:
  19. William Fowler Active Member

    Depends on what criminal statute you think they have committed an offense against?
  20. Lovefeet Banned

    William, The Society have an Accredited Scheme for Podiatrists. The fact that The Society is allowing non-Pods to be on an Accredited Scheme for Podiatrists is a crime. The Society states on their website that the Scheme is for public protection.

    So how can Foot Health Practitioners be allowed to be on an Accredited Register for Podiatrists. In my lowly mental capacity that states that The Society are not protecting the public by allowing non-statutory regulated personnel to be on their Accredited Scheme......:wacko:

    So in my lowly mental capacity the crime is for misleading the public by allowing some Foot Health Practitioners to be on a strictly Podiatrist only Accredited register.....
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2013
  21. William Fowler Active Member

    So what criminal statute is that a crime against?
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