< Swollen foot with extreme pain | 5th metatarsal fracture (spiral mid shaft) - SURGERY? >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I have had a toe nail avulsion (accidental) 6 days back.... I went to ER and got the nail removed 5 days ago... after removal 2 days later doc asked me to remove the dressing and get new dressing.... but when I tried to get the dressing removed the gauze bandage stuck to the nail pulp very bad.... I soaked my feet once for 4 hours in warm betadine water.. and again for 3.5 hours straight without any help.... rest of the dressing got removed but the gauze over the nail pulp is stuck.... its...

    Toe Nail Avulsion... Nail removed, now gauze stuck to Nail pulp... Help!!

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< Swollen foot with extreme pain | 5th metatarsal fracture (spiral mid shaft) - SURGERY? >

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