< How gouty will be diagnosed ? | Swollen, Itchy and slightly painfull toes (Not Chilibans) >
  1. admin Administrator Staff Member

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    I know toenail fungus only occurs in the summer, but recently I notice some differences in my toenails. First, the nails look yellow and has a white dot that seems to get bigger day by day. Second, the skin between my toes become itchy, reddish and irritated. Painful blisters also appear in that area and ooze fluids when I wear shoes. Plus, if I contact with water, the painful and burning sensations will become worse and more obvious. My questions are:

    Did I get toenail fungus or anything...

    Toenail fungus

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< How gouty will be diagnosed ? | Swollen, Itchy and slightly painfull toes (Not Chilibans) >

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