< HCPC hearings past and coming up | Age UK Centres >

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    Hi all,
    I've recently started up a Podiatry Society at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.

    The aim of the Society is to make the presence and talents of the up and coming Podiatrists from the university known to as wide an audience as possible; locally, across the UK and the rest of the world.

    We've been looking into contacting relevant companies related to Podiatry with the hope of potential sponsorship/work placements.... freebies too if we could get them and as of yet have had no luck

    If anyone out there has any advice which they think would help us we'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks all
  2. JackieRamsay Active Member


    I wish you luck with your new venture and wish to let you know that I have also just started a new business opportunity for fully qualified podiatrists looking for work in and
    around the Glasgow area.

    Corporate Chiropody Booking Agency was developed to provide completely flexible job opportunities to fit around your current work/home commitments. Gain experience for your cv as well as earning some extra cash.

    Please feel free to browse my website and I encourage any feedback.

    Jacqueline Ramsay
  3. Jill Halstead Member

    Hi QMU Pod. Society

    May I suggest you organise and encourage an MSK hub for the new graduates and established podiatrists to provide an opportunity to develop and mentor their clinical skills.

    We are the MSK SIG for the SCP and we both run successful hubs that include clinical and academic meetings that are associated to the local universities Plymouth and Leeds.

    Emma Cowley and I would be happy to offer advice - please go to MSK:UK.co.uk and facebook pages for more info.

    Best of luck

< HCPC hearings past and coming up | Age UK Centres >

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