< Forensic bacterial DNA profiles of insoles to identfy owners | Providing better footwear and foot orthoses for people with rheumatoid arthritis >
  1. johntee721 Member

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    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone was doing the needling technique in Wales, south west or west midlands? South East Wales preferably, but willing to travel a bit. I've spent days reading the various threads on the subject and would love to learn more by shadowing a more experienced podiatrist. I'm nearly a year old in podiatry terms so a bit of a rookie with injection techniques having only done digital blocks for nail surgery. I feel confident that I could perform the needling technique...its just the LA administration i'd like to observe to clarify what i'm imagining from the detailed descriptions on the threads i've read is correct...

    Hope someone can help...

    Thanks for reading
< Forensic bacterial DNA profiles of insoles to identfy owners | Providing better footwear and foot orthoses for people with rheumatoid arthritis >

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