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  2. Don ESWT Active Member

    My father, William Crawford Scott, 92, M.Ch.S retired Wollongong Chriopodist, served in the British Merchant Navy. He served on 5 ships, torpedoed twice and blown up once at Liverpool Docks. One of his last ships was the Tachee possibly out of New Zealand. He was in the class of 48 Royal Glasgow Infirmary. Mirgrated to Australia in 1949.
    In th early 50's was one of the teachers in Sydney.
    These days his is occupied doing Celtic Art.

    Don Scott
  3. Felicity Prentice Active Member

    Don, you must be proud of your father's history and present; and he is no dooubt proud and pleased to have his son follow in his career footsteps. Do you have children? Any chance you could get three generations of Pods?
  4. Cameron Well-Known Member

    The Changi Prison Museum, Singapore will commemorate the end of the WWII in part with the release of a new book in September which includes reference to Changi Prison shoes which were made by the prisoners from old car tyres. The shoes were made to fit any size feet and were passed onto other prisoners. In Auchwitz there is a memorial to those who suffered at the hands of the Nazi which constists of a large room with shoes piled high to the ceiling on either side. The effect is devastating.


  5. Don ESWT Active Member

    Yes I am proud of what dad has achieved over the past 92 years. During the war he was ships Medical Officer and Radio Officer. He received a new gong today from the Government commerating the 60th Anniversary of Wars End.
    I used to sit and watch from the age of 4 1/2 years of age dad making plaster casts. Second point sorry no children.
    Do Old English Sheepdogs count, he has a fantastic gait motion.
  6. Don ESWT Active Member

    Someone wrote "War is Hell" Over 55 million men women and children died between 1939-1945.
    Someone else wrote "Mans Inhumanity to Man" Governments (Countries) have been killing their populations since time began, when will it stop????????
    It is still going on today. We can only pray for the innocent.

    "Lest We Forget"

    Don Scott
  7. Cameron Well-Known Member

    Man's inhumanity to man comes from 'Man was made to Mourn: A Dirge' by Robert Burns.

    These pictures are not for the faint hearted but show, I believe, the importance of feet and shoes to the human condition. In turn, those who care for feet are the peace makers.

    Memorial of shoes and prosthetics Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Poland


  8. Don ESWT Active Member

    Two very shocking photos, showing the reality of murder during an 11 year period (1934-1945) remembering these camps were set up before 1939. There could possibly be 100 years of footwear style amongst that memorial.

    I have no idea as to the ages when metal calipers and prosthetics were introduced in history but you could possibly start a new thread on these two subjects.

    "Robert Burn" I should have known, dad used to read his poetry and sing his songs at "Burns Society Nights" in Sydney, Canberra and Wollongong.

    Don Scott
  9. Cameron Well-Known Member


    >I have no idea as to the ages when metal calipers and prosthetics were introduced in history but you could possibly start a new thread on these two subjects.

    These go way back to antiquity.


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