< Intra-articular Pulse-Dose Radiofrequency for Hallux Valgus Pain | 'Untouched' Toe >
  1. Simon Ross Active Member

  2. DrBob Active Member

    I rather like the idea of professionals being a little less professional - that is, I think it is difficult to define what precisely is professional? Take the issue of dress code; some argue that a professional should wear a suit, but many clinicians nowadays wear smart casual. Personally, I prefer smart casual, my experience is that suits can be used to put on a false front, and besides, does that mean that men and women should dress according to the same code? I like the notion that this health care professional was prepared to have an alternative pastime. I can't help but think that I want her as my social worker as opposed to the twin-set and pearls brigade. Plenty more to say but I have to get along to my limbo class...
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