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Events by Admin2
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30th Annual Meeting of the Indian Foot & Ankle Society
25 - 27 August 30th Annual Meeting of the Indian Foot & Ankle Society Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India Link http://goeftrust.org/conference/ifascon2017/ Indian Foot & Ankle Society
All About the Ankle
26 August All About the Ankle Melbourne, Australia Link: http://www.acps.edu.au/seminars_events.php Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons
Manipulation Course
26 - 27 August Manipulation Course Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom Link: https://www.dundeepodiatry.com/our-services/for-podiatrists/ David Cashley
Pedorthics - Striding Ahead 2017
1 - 2 September Pedorthics - Striding Ahead 2017 Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Link: http://www.cvent.com/events/pedorthics-striding-ahead/event-summary-c750ec7e24d74853b3be3166ad4b063f.aspx Pedorthic Association of Australia
Muscle Strength & Range Testing
2 September Muscle Strength & Range Testing Staffordshire, England, UK Link: http://www.biomechanicsacademy.com/product/muscle-strength-range-testing-sat-2nd-sept-at-sub-4-staffordshire/ Sub4
The Running Symposium: Keeping Athletes on Track
2 September The Running Symposium: Keeping Athletes on Track University of Western Sydney, Australia Link: http://sma.org.au/conferences-events/professional-development-calendar/?event_id=2060 Sports Medicine Australia
Podiatric Biomechanics Masterclass
2 - 3 September Podiatric Biomechanics Masterclass Dublin, Ireland Link Medifoot
1st National Podology Online Congress
3 - 9 September 1st National Podology Online Congress Cyberspace, Brazil Link:http://www.conapodologia.com.br/ ConaPodologia
Diabetic Foot Australia Conference 2017
4 - 5 September Diabetic Foot Australia Conference 2017 Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Link:https://events.diabeticfootaustralia.org/ Diabetic Foot Australia
Montana Meeting
6 - 10 September Montana Meeting Missoula, Montana, USA Link: http://www.goldfarbfoundation.org/cme-meetings/2017-montana-meeting Goldfarb Foundation
ASPS 5th Annual Surgical Conference
8 - 9 September ASPS 5th Annual Surgical Conference Baltimore, Maryland, USA Link: http://aspsmembers.org/5th-Annual-ASPS-Surgical-Conference American Society of Podiatric Surgeons
Diabetic Foot Study Group
8 - 10 September Diabetic Foot Study Group Porto, Portugal Diabetic Foot Study Group
Podiatric Considerations
9 September Podiatric Considerations Swindon, Wiltshire, South West England, UK Link: https://www.medifootcpdschool.com/event-tickets Medifoot
AANA/AOFAS Controversies in Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine: Solutions and Outcomes
9 - 10 September AANA/AOFAS Controversies in Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine: Solutions and Outcomes Rosemont, Illinois, USA Link:...
Podiatric Considerations 3 - Medical History, Psychosocial Considerations & Record Keeping
10 September Podiatric Considerations 3 - Medical History, Psychosocial Considerations & Record Keeping Swindon, Wiltshire, South West England, UK Link:https://www.medifootcpdschool.com/event-tickets Medifoot
An Introduction to Clinical Neurology Course
10 September An Introduction to Clinical Neurology Course Southport, United Kingdom Link: http://iocp.org.uk/event/introduction-clinical-neurology-course/ The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
The Best Sports Medicine Foot & Ankle Meeting in the World
14 - 16 September The Best Sports Medicine Foot & Ankle Meeting in the World Rosemont, Illinois, USA Link: http://www.aapsm.org/standalone-meeting.html American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine
Update 2017: Reconstructive Surgery of the Foot & Ankle
14 -17 September Update 2017: Reconstructive Surgery of the Foot & Ankle San Diego, CA, United States Link: http://www.podiatryinstitute.com/mobirise_project/index2.html Podiatry Institute
Podiatry 2020. The Future of Podiatry Business
15 - 16 September Podiatry 2020. The Future of Podiatry Business Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Link: http://www.podiatryhive.com/twentytwenty/ Podiatry Hive
Colorado Podiatric Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting
15- 16 September Colorado Podiatric Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting Greenwood Village, Colorado, USA Link: http://www.apma.org/workingforyou/EventDetail.cfm?EventID=79948 Colorado Podiatric Medical Association
International Ankle Symposium
15 - 17 September International Ankle Symposium Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA Link: http://internationalanklesymposium.web.unc.edu/ International Ankle Consortium
PRESENT Podiatric Residency Education Summit
15 - 17 September PRESENT Podiatric Residency Education Summit Oak Brook, IL, USA Link: https://www.resedsummitmidwest.com/ Present Podiatry
Routine Foot Care - A Complete Refresher
16 - 17 September Routine Foot Care - A Complete Refresher Waltham Abbey, Essex, England Link: https://www.medifootcpdschool.com/event-tickets Medifoot
The Talus Biomechanics Workshop
16 - 17 September The Talus Biomechanics Workshop Perth, Western Australia Link: http://www.musmed.com.au/2017%20Workshops/talus-sept_perth.html Musmed
Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine Alumni Association 2017 Seminar
16 - 17 September Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine Alumni Association 2017 Seminar Philadelphia, PA, USA Link: Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine Alumni Association
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