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  1. Have you considered the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp Online, for taking it to the next level? See here for more.
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Have you considered the Clinical Biomechanics Boot Camp Online, for taking it to the next level? See here for more.
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New Profile Posts

  1. R. McDonough
  2. Peter J
    Peter J
    StepRight Foot Clinic with two locations in the South East of Ireland
  3. hilina
    hilina Fraoch
    i would really apprciate it if you can help me out in understanding this things.
  4. hilina
    hilina Fraoch
    i wanted to reach out to you as i want to work in canada to after my graduation next year. but i do not have information about a lot of things like the possible ways to do it, how is life as a podiatrist in canada? and how is the pay like?
  5. hilina
    hilina Fraoch
    Hi Fraoch, I hope you are doing well. My name is Hilina, i am a podiatry student in university of brighton. I saw one of your replies from more than a decade back saying that you are a graduate from university of brighton too and that you are practicing in canada.
  6. AcademyofPedorthicScience
    The Pedorthic Pre-Certification Course is open for enrollment. The Academy has international students attending 80-hours online & 40-hr lab.
  7. Talaria Podiatrist
    Talaria Podiatrist
    We are Talaria Podiatrist of Thornbury. It is our passion to assess, diagnose, treat, and prevent and pain and injuries in your feet!
  8. andrewstivee
    Royce Development is dedicated to ensuring a secure working environment for both our staff and clients.
  9. Foot Mechanics
    Foot Mechanics
    Foot Mechanics Podiatry is expanding and looking for podiatrists to join our team.
  10. Horst
    SATZ Thongs/Flip-Flops Kickstarter Campaign is LIVE NOW and we need YOU
  11. GNV
    GNV Craig Payne
    Hi Craig, I have been going through the clinical biomechanics boot camp and it is a gold mine. Thank you for producing amazing work
  12. Dr. Hao T Hoang
    Dr. Hao T Hoang
    Is this Microvas still available for sale?
  13. wiljyc
  14. wiljyc
  15. wiljyc
    Please enquire at
  16. wiljyc
    injection therapies
  17. wiljyc
    Gait retraining
  18. wiljyc
  19. wiljyc
    Foot mobilisations
  20. wiljyc
    Focus is on rehabilitation
  21. wiljyc
    So hopefully this works
  22. wiljyc
    Apparently I need to do ten posts before I Can post a thread
  23. wiljyc
    Candidate should have a good background with Strength and Conditioning and Musculoskeletal Podiatry
  24. wiljyc
    Looking for an Employee In South West London 2 days a week!
  25. Jan Beltman
  26. pamvillasa
    pamvillasa Nichola226
    Hello, my name is Pamela, I saw your post in Podiatry Arena. Currently, I'm waiting for the oral exam. Could you give me more information about it? How did you prepare for the exam? Did you read any special books? I will really appreciate your help. Thank you
  27. pamvillasa
    pamvillasa cherize.brown
    Hello, my name is Pamela, I saw your post in Podiatry Arena. Currently, I'm waiting for the oral exam. Could you give me more information about it? How did you prepare for the exam? Did you read any special books? I will really appreciate your help. Thank you
  28. Simone cruz da costa
    Simone cruz da costa
    Fazer o que ama com amor e dedicação,não é trabalhar é terapia
  29. G L Prasanna
    G L Prasanna
    16th Edition of Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology is on Sep 14-16, 2023 in Valencia, Spain.
  30. G L Prasanna
    G L Prasanna
    16th Edition of Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology
  31. Fatuma Gavoola
    Fatuma Gavoola
    We are recruiting two Podiatrists in new branch in Cheetham Hill Road Manchester please any pod who wants to work as Associate with us at QS
  32. Fatuma Gavoola
  33. Rebecca Ireland
    Rebecca Ireland Nina Willow
    Hi Nina, I'm not sure how this posting system works but I'm interested in buying your instruments.
    Thanks, Rebecca
  34. Manuela.Q
    Centro di Podologia dello Sport PiedeSportivo
  35. bepnamanhhanoi
    Máy rửa bát Bosch khá đa dạng về kiểu dáng, nhiều chức năng, rửa sạch bát đĩa ở các trạng thái khác nhau.
  36. Tamsin H
    Tamsin H
    Does anyone know anything about Enertor insoles?
    1. Tamsin H
      Tamsin H
      No. Neither do I!!
      Jun 25, 2022
  37. Mev22x
    Mev22x Kate Caetano
    Hi I’m a U.K. podiatrist interested in your ad
  38. jackie nunes
    jackie nunes
    Hello, my name is Jackie , i am new to the FORUM.
  39. Anne McCoy
    Anne McCoy
    Newly graduated Podiatrist - Ulster University Jordanstown
  40. Chantelle Wynn-Jackson
    Chantelle Wynn-Jackson
    Podiatrist Lincolnshire England