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Last Activity:
Nov 27, 2018
Oct 1, 2004
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Jan 3, 1950 (Age: 74)
Powys, Wales.
Medicolegal Podiatrist specialising in Civil Law.

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Podiatry Arena Veteran, 74, from Powys, Wales.

davidh was last seen:
Nov 27, 2018
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  • About

    Jan 3, 1950 (Age: 74)
    Powys, Wales.
    Medicolegal Podiatrist specialising in Civil Law.
    Which University or Institution did you get your podiatry qualification from?:
    Glasgow School of Chiropody (1971), Sunderland University (1993).
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    I have enjoyed a long career in Podiatry, covering basic chiropody, nail and skin surgery, podiatric biomechanics, and sports podiatry - concentrating latterly on soccer. I carried out some original research on available movement at the ankle in normal subjects at the School of Engineering - Durham University between 1994 and 2001, for which I was awarded an MSc. I hope to publish this work, at least in part, over the next two years.

    I'm semi-retired from clinical work, and now practice as a medicolegal podiatrist, specialising in UK Civil Law. I'm an Associate Member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL), an Individual Member of the Expert Witness Institute, and a Fellow of the British Chiropody and Podiatry Association.

    I was admitted to membership of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow in August 2017.


    David Holland MSc(Dunelm) MFPM - RCPS(Glasg).
