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Dr. Steven King
Last Activity:
Mar 21, 2023
Dec 6, 2011
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Dr. Steven King

Well-Known Member, from Maui Hawaii Bra

Dr. Steven King was last seen:
Mar 21, 2023
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Maui Hawaii Bra
    Which University or Institution did you get your podiatry qualification from?:
    SCPM 1996
    Country Flag:
    Podiatrist and Inventor

    Subject Matter Expert for ASTM American Society of Testing Materials committees;
    -E54.4 Homeland Security Applications and Personal Protective Equipment, Tactical Body Armor
    -F13 Pedestrian and Walkway Safety Footwear Testing and Standards
    -F48 Exoskeletons and Exosuits

    Co-Principle Investigator SBIR A11-109 “Advanced Composite Insoles for the Reduction of Stress Fractures.” US Department of Defense and Army Medical Research and Materials Command

    Co-Author US Pat.# 8,353,968 "Spring Lever Orthotic Device"