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Effects of a stroke on the foot

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by NewsBot, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.


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    The effect of stroke on foot kinematics and the functional consequences
    Saeed Forghany Christopher J. Nester, Sarah F. Tyson, Stephen Preece, Richard K. Jones
    Gait & Posture; Available online 31 January 2014
  2. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  3. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Quantification of gait using insole type foot pressure monitor : clinical application for chronic hemiplegia.
    Naito Y, Kimura Y, Hashimoto T, Mori M, Takemoto Y.
    J UOEH. 2014;36(1):41-8.
  4. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The effect of stroke on foot biomechanics; underlying mechanisms and the functional consequences
    Saeed Forghany, Christopher J Nester, Sarah F Tyson, Stephen Preece and Richard K Jones
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7(Suppl 1):A18 doi:10.1186/1757-1146-7-S1-A18
  5. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A study of structural foot deformity in stroke patients
    Gwon Uk Jang, Mi Gyoug Kweon, Seol Park, Ji Young Kim, Ji Won Park
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science; Vol. 27 (2015) No. 1 January p. 191-194
  6. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A study of structural foot deformity in stroke patients.
    Jang GU, Kweon MG, Park S, Kim JY, Park JW.
    J Phys Ther Sci. 2015 Jan;27(1):191-4.
  7. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Role of ankle foot orthoses in functional stability of individuals with stroke.
    Rao N, Aruin AS.
    Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2015 Mar 31:1-4
  8. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Foot and ankle impairments affect balance and mobility in stroke (FAiMiS): the views and experiences of people with stroke.
    Gorst T, Lyddon A, Marsden J, Paton J, Morrison SC, Cramp M, Freeman J.
    Disabil Rehabil. 2015 Jun 9:1-8.
  9. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The effect of different shoes on functional mobility and energy expenditure in post-stroke hemiplegic patients using ankle-foot orthosis.
    Farmani F, Mohseni Bandpei MA, Bahramizadeh M, Aminian G, Nikoo MR, Sadeghi-Goghari M
    Prosthet Orthot Int. 2015 Jul 16. pii: 0309364615592704
  10. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Foot placement control and gait instability among people with stroke.
    Dean JC, Kautz SA.
    J Rehabil Res Dev. 2015;52(5):577-590. doi: 10.1682/JRRD.2014.09.020
  11. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The investigation of kinematic features of gait in healthy subjects and patients with post-stroke atactic disorders
    Abroskina MV et al
    Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2015;115(9 Vypusk 2 Insul't):42-45
  12. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Early rehabilitation treatment combined with equino varus foot deformity surgical correction in stroke patients: safety and changes in gait parameters.
    Giannotti E, Merlo A, Zerbinati P, Longhi M, Prati P, Masiero S, Mazzoli D.
    Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2015 Dec 1
  13. NewsBot

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    Does correcting position and increasing sensorial input of the foot and ankle with Kinesio Taping improve balance in stroke patients?
    Yazici G1 et al
    NeuroRehabilitation. 2015;36(3):345-53. doi: 10.3233/NRE-151223.
  14. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Short Foot Exercise Incorporating the Foot Core System
    Paradigm on Clinical Trials for the Patients with Stroke

    Paul Lee PT, MPT et al
    NEUROTHERAPY 2016;20(1):43-52
  15. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A cross-sectional observational study comparing foot and ankle characteristics in people with stroke and healthy controls.
    Kunkel D et al
    Disabil Rehabil. 2016 Jun 23:1-6
  16. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    A survey exploring self-reported indoor and outdoor footwear habits, foot problems and fall status in people with stroke and Parkinson’s
    Catherine Bowen, Ann Ashburn, Mark Cole, Margaret Donovan-Hall, Malcolm Burnett, Judy Robison, Louis Mamode, Ruth Pickering, Dan Bader and Dorit Kunkel
    Journal of Foot and Ankle Research20169:39
  17. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effect of Shoe Insert on Weight Bearing Symmetry in Stroke Patients
    Enas Elsayed, et al,
    BAOJ Ortho 2016 1: 1
  18. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effect of ankle foot orthosis on gait parameters and
    functional ambulation in patients with stroke

    Serdar Kesikburun, Ferdi Yavuz, Ümüt Güzelküçük, Evren Yaşar, Birol Balaban
    Turk J Phys Med Rehab 2017;63(x):xx-xx.
  19. NewsBot

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    Effect of postural insoles on gait pattern in individuals with hemiparesis: A randomized controlled clinical trial
    Luiz Alfredo Braun Ferreira et al
    Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Article in Press
  20. NewsBot

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    Bespoke versus off-the-shelf ankle-foot orthosis for people with stroke: randomized controlled trial.
    Tyson SF et al
    Clin Rehabil. 2017 Aug 1:269215517728764. doi: 10.1177/026921551772876
  21. NewsBot

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    Effect of Short Foot Exercise on Quiet Stance
    for the Patients with Stroke

    Paul Lee PT, MPT, Byong-Yong Hwang PT, PhD
  22. NewsBot

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    Immediate effects of talus-stabilizing taping on balance and gait parameters in patients with chronic stroke: a cross-sectional study.
    Park D et al
    Top Stroke Rehabil. 2018 May 2:1-7. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2018.14669
  23. NewsBot

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    Effects of Toe Spreader on Plantar pressure and Gait in chronic stroke patients.
    Lee KB, Kim BR, Lee KS.
    Technol Health Care. 2018 Jun 18.
  24. NewsBot

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    The trouble with footwear following stroke: a qualitative study of the views and experience of people with stroke.
    Donovan-Hall M et al
    Disabil Rehabil. 2019 Jan 8
  25. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Effects of orthopedic insoles on postural balance in patients with chronic stroke: A randomized crossover study
    Yen-Ting Liu et al
    Gait Posture. 2021 Apr 20;87:75-80
  26. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    The Ankle Lunge Test for measurement of dorsiflexion in individuals following stroke; reliability, validity and evaluation of change following intervention for spasticity of the lower limb
    Janine Simondson,David Simondson,Claire Formby,Kim Brock,
    13 October 2021
  27. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Foot and ankle deformities in stroke: relationship with ambulation, balance, and daily living activities: a cross-sectional study
    Sibel Mandiroglu, Mehpare Firat
    Somatosens Mot Res. 2021 Dec 21;1-5
  28. NewsBot

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    Pathological gait clustering in post-stroke patients using motion capture data
    HyungtaiKim et al
    Gait & Posture; Pages 210-216
  29. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Impairments and Compensations of Static Balance and Plantar Load Distribution in Patients With Chronic Stroke: An Observational Study
    Baofu Yu et al
    J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2022 Jun 22
  30. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Immediate effect of different ankle-foot orthosis functions with the same dorsiflexed setting of initial ankle joint angle on walking ability in individuals with chronic stroke: a randomized crossover trial
    Eri Nojiri et al
    J Phys Ther Sci. 2022 Jul;34(7):485-491
  31. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Footwear characteristics and foot problems in community dwelling people with stroke: a cross-sectional observational study
    Dorit Kunkel et al
    Disabil Rehabil. 2022 Aug 14;1-8
  32. NewsBot

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    International recommendations to manage post-stroke Equinovarus Foot deformity validated by a panel of experts using DELPHI
    Marjorie Salga et al
    Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2022 Aug 25;S0003-9993(22)00595-0
  33. NewsBot

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    Early specialist orthotic interventions for the lower limb in adult stroke patients: a systematic literature review
    Miriam Golding-Day et al
    Journal of the International Foot & Ankle Foundation Vol. 1 No. 9 (2022): September 2022
  34. NewsBot

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    Effects of Flexor Digitorum Longus Muscle Anatomical Structure on the Response to Botulinum Toxin Treatment in Patients with Post-Stroke Claw Foot Deformity
    Toru Takekawa et al
    Toxins (Basel). 2022 Sep 25;14(10):666
  35. NewsBot

    NewsBot The Admin that posts the news.

    Physical therapy interventions for the correction of equinus foot deformity in post-stroke patients with triceps spasticity: A scoping review
    Isabella Campanini et al
    Front Neurol. 2022 Oct 28
  36. NewsBot

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    Gait Characteristics Following Stroke: A Prospective Crossover Study to Compare Ankle-Foot Orthosis with Functional Electrical Stimulation
    Gourav Sannyasi et al
    Neurol India. 2022 Sep-Oct;70(5):1830-1835
  37. NewsBot

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    Bilateral ankle deformities affects gait kinematics in chronic stroke patients
    Hogene Kim et al
    Front Neurol. 2023 Feb 9;14:1078064
  38. NewsBot

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    The quality of systematic reviews/meta-analyses assessing the effects of ankle-foot orthosis on clinical outcomes in stroke patients: A methodological systematic review
    Saeed Shahabi et al
    Health Sci Rep. 2023 Mar 1;6(3):e1130
  39. NewsBot

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    A novel biomechanical indicator for impaired ankle dorsiflexion function during walking in individuals with chronic stroke
    Shraddha Srivastava, John H Kindred, Bryant A Seamon, Charalambos C Charalambous, Andrea D Boan, Steven A Kautz, Mark G Bowden
    bioRxiv. 2023 Apr 30;2023
  40. NewsBot

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    Outcome measures for assessing the effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions on equinus foot deformity in post-stroke patients with triceps surae spasticity: A scoping review
    Isabella Campanini et al
    PLoS One. 2023 Oct 12;18(10):e0287220

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