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Footwear Technology Forum, 14th-15th October, Milan, Italy

Discussion in 'Conferences' started by Delcam-Healthcare, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Delcam-Healthcare

    Delcam-Healthcare Active Member

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    Are you confident that you are up-to-date with the latest technology available in the Footwear Market?

    If you would like to gain more in-depth knowledge on topics including; materials, 3D printing and techniques to reduce costs and get your product to market more quickly, we are hosting a seminar with a speaker panel of world-leading experts to bring you the information you want.

    Speakers include SATRA, Ars Sutoria school of footwear design and Autodesk.

    Visit www.ft-forum.com for more details, the full programme and to book your place now.

    You will also have opportunities throughout both days to speak directly to industry experts and other delegates.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

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