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Golf biomechanics

Discussion in 'Biomechanics, Sports and Foot orthoses' started by Bruce McLaggan, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    At St Andrews !!!

    More likely gale force winds and rain and COLD !!!

    If your gonna do it at least do it in the warm and dry:D

    How about the "prince course" on the Hawaiian island of Kauai ?

    Played it twice years ago but boy what a course ( the balls are sold in tubes of 7 which should give you a clue ) and they hunt wild boar in the ravines:eek:

    Silversword on Maui was good too.

    The Spanish / Portuguese courses have now priced themselves out of the market.

    Turkey is supposed to be reasonable with very good courses according to some mates at my club. Ive not played the Turkish ones personally but most all of the to Spanish and Portuguese.

    Oh and as an aside if your gonna play any course worth playing now ,with the new R & A ruling you WILL need to produce a current H/c certificate.

    Well done on that excellent article Ian

    Golf and Podiatry

    Yeah podiatry golf tournament.....Ryder cup format Europe vs the rest...........

    Worth a thought I spose :rolleyes:

    Cheers all
    Derek (off 16 nowadays too old,too fat , too ugly and an ever decreasing shoulder turn to maintain the 9 I used to be :eek: )
  2. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Cheers Del - just literally got in from my local course in Hertfordshire after carding a round of 99. That's a good day at the office for me - and a beautiful day for it. The base of the 'golfers suntan' is now in place.
  3. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    Glad you enjoyed mate perhaps you fancy a trip to sunny Surrey and I'll treat you to a round at my club at some point ?
  4. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    I'll hold you to that mate - once I've got my handicap to under 28 ;)
  5. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    As long as your etiquette is good on the course don't worry too much about the handicap.

    Your introduced by a member(me) so if it all goes belly up and you wear the course out with the number of shots you have......I'll just say your having a bad day :D


    I look forward to it whenever you fancy it:drinks

  6. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Ahh you've got the brown face and the pure white forehead then !!!!:D:D:D
  7. By the way, are golfers still considered "athletes"?:rolleyes::boxing::eek:

    Attached Files:

  8. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    :D:D Christ that looks like me !!!!!!! BUT younger :eek:

    I tell you what Kevin , John Daley may be a fat git but I wish I could hit a ball like him, awasome :cool:

    300 + yards on a drive.... give it a try and see how you get on ;)

    Cheers fella
  9. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    I'm with Del - Daley can half strike a ball. I think on the whole most of the players on the PGA tour could be considered athletes nowadays to be fair.

    Nice slow mo video clips here
  10. In what other sport could a professional participant look like this and still be considered an "athlete"?
  11. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member


    Wanna argue with him Kevin ??:D:D

    Remember....thin may be in BUT fat is where it's at ;)

    BTW as your obviously not a golf guru don't knock it till you've tried it

    Cheers Fella
  12. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Darts maybe ;)

    In fairness this is a very old photo of John, and he has lost a lot of that weight (lap-band surgery will do that for you I guess...) He also doesn't compete on the PGA tour anymore.
  13. I started playing golf at the age of 13 and played occasionally through podiatry school, but was never really very good at it. Too little running, too few calories burned and too much frustration for my personality. Maybe when I'm older and fatter, like many of the golf pros are, I'll consider taking it up again.;)
  14. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Kevin

    I take it that wasn't a forced march speed and playing "proper golf" ????

    Proper Golf is NOT a stroll in the park !!

    If you play competitive golf it can be exhausting even for the fit amoungst us hence the overuse injuries etc.

    The concentration vs fitness is the difference in winning and losing in many instances .

    I could probably beat Tiger Woods on my own course off my own handicap in one round ... but over 4 rounds ... not a chance coz he has the fitness and concentration ( and skill) that's why the last 2 days in any pro golf comp is the men from the boys days

    Frustration ...OH YES !!! the most frustrating game in the world :hammer:

    Front 9 out in a limo... back 9 in a ambulance and you never know why :bang:


    You know you CAN do it so you go back and try again ...and again ... and again.... you only play yourself in golf THAT is the secret

    As Ian said that was Dailey several years ago.

    Look at the modern day golf pro and find another like him..... go on give it a go and I bet you cant ;)

  15. Here's another one of those golfing "athletes".:D

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  16. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Hi Kevin

    With the golf Buggy just out of shot I would imagine :D:D
  17. Griff

    Griff Moderator


    This chap is not a golfer. He isn't wearing golf shoes, nor a golf glove. It is clear the point you are trying to make is that golfers should not be considered athletes. Maybe they are not athletes in the strictest sense of the word - but the fact is that the modern game demands a level of physicality which perhaps it didn't in the past. If you look at the leader-board's top 10 on a Sunday in most majors you won't find anyone with that physique any more. The same if you look at the world rankings. Gone are the days of 18 holes followed by 18 pints - these guys spend as much time in the gym as they do on the course, and could probably bench more than most footballers (no reference - personal opinion).
  18. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Errrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm :rolleyes: :D

    Your right Ian, we have a premier league football manager at my club and his guests include pro footballers.

    Our assistant pro's or ones that are back off the tour will match them for physic and stamina and in fact many train together in the same gym.

    I dont think Kevin likes golf much judging by his comments but unless you actually play or have played competitive golf its very hard to understand the concept and the fitness / concentration levels required and just how talented these top players are.

    They are very special people with a very special talent that is why so many aspiring young pro's who "think"they are good and are winning everything at club level get onto the challenge tour ( way below the level you watch on the telly) only to find they can't hack it.

    VERY VERY few actually make it to top flight golf

  19. Ian and Del:

    Relax mates, I'm just having some fun with you guys since I do respect the physical talents of good golfers and have treated some semi-pro and pro golfers over the past quarter century. I actually loved to play golf, but it was too time consuming for me, I wasn't natural at it as I was in other sports, and now I simply don't have the time.

    And Del regarding your comment about Tiger Woods:

    This next item may be of particular interest to you. It is my understanding that his wife, Elle, has been working secretly with Ping over the last few months to design a new line of irons. The new ad slogan for these advanced clubs will be: "Guaranteed to Beat Tiger Woods".:rolleyes:
  20. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Oh you mean this set Kevin :D


    Cheers Fella
  21. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Here's a nice clip explaining swing mechanics:

    Del - I'm playing off of 24 now, get that back of yours better soon or by the time I visit Surrey I'll be sub 20 ;)

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  22. DTT

    DTT Well-Known Member

    Be lovely to take shots off you mate keep going !!!:D

    Played last week all was well ,playing this week... see how it goes send you a pm to arrange the challenge :drinks
    Cheers M8
    ps, Zane Scotland finished 3 over in the open today ( played a lot of golf with him a few years ago), great guy, member at my club shame he couldn't get a roll going this weekend but made the cut so ...... I'm sure they all wanted to talk about the fact he had played comps with me ????:D:D:D
  23. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2016
  24. Griff

    Griff Moderator

    Movement Variability in the Golf Swing of Male and Female Skilled Golfers
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: POST ACCEPTANCE, 21 January 2011

  25. drsarbes

    drsarbes Well-Known Member

    "...........despite the individual motion or coupling of the thorax and pelvis"

    Are you sure they were studying the golf swing?
  26. RobinP

    RobinP Well-Known Member

    Who cares about the skilled golfers......what about us hackers?
  27. Sicknote

    Sicknote Active Member

  28. Jonathan

    Jonathan Active Member

    JJ Revitt - Biomech Prof - works with many PGA Touring Professionals - even recent major winners

    has been working on this for several years - he did consult to Adidas/Taylormade.


    Whilst it may not shed much light - does give you an idea how Golf Biomechanics is being presented and implemented.
  29. drsarbes

    drsarbes Well-Known Member

    Whatever the spine is doing, it's the lag in the wrist hinge that creates club head speed.
    You can predict distance fairly accurately just based on the speed of the club head. When long hitters start moving towards the target with their left hip while their arms have not finished the backswing, this creates more lag and more club head speed.

    It would be nice if we were all that flexible!
  30. Jill

    Jill Member


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