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Ortho Technology Forum (OTF) will be held as Pre-Symposium workshop at PAC 2015

Discussion in 'Conferences' started by Delcam-Healthcare, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Delcam-Healthcare

    Delcam-Healthcare Active Member

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    Ortho Technology Forum 2015
    Delcam is pleased to announce that the 2015 OTF - An Event for the Discussion of Digital Technology for Orthotics & Orthopedics will be held as a Pre-Symposium event at the 2015 Pedorthic Association of Canada (PAC) Symposium.

    This educational event, now in its 3rd year in North America, focuses on existing and emerging technologies related to custom Orthoses and Orthopedics. By bringing the two events together (OTF and PAC) delegates have the unique opportunity to attend three days of presentations, discussions and hands on workshops covering both clinical and technological topics at the same location in one venue. Our guest speakers are leading the way in developing and using different types of technology and how they can be applied in your business.

    OTF will take place at The Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, BC on April 16th, 2015. The cost to attend is $240.00 Canadian. Your registration fee includes all OTF session presentations, OTF exhibit area, all OTF break refreshments, lunch and special invitation to the OTF Welcome Reception on April 15th. Our Welcome Reception will be held in the evening prior to the forum to give delegates, sponsors and presenters an opportunity to network in an more casual venue.

    The OTF has changed its name for 2015 to Ortho Technology Forum to reflect the inclusion of technologies for orthopedic footwear as well as orthotic insoles.

    Click here to book your place now!

    Continued Professional Development

    Credits approved
    ABC 6 CEU
    BOC 7 CEU (option to earn up to 3.25 Exhibit Hall CEU's Category 1)
    College of Pedorthics of Canada

    Credits are only applicable to attendees after the event by the credited association upon verification of attending.

    Click here to see the full programme

    We hope to see you there!

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