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Podiatry Equipment For Sale Kerang, Victoria, Australia

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Tiptoe, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Tiptoe

    Tiptoe Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    All Podiatry Equipment, Furniture and Consumables For Sale, Including:
    • ABCO Podiatry Chair
    • Berchtold Drill
    • Podiatry Cabinet with Magnifying Lamp
    • Runyes 22L Autoclave
    • Tuttnauer 2540EKA Autoclave
    • Runyes Water Distiller
    • Hadeco Bidop Smart Doppler
    • Meditrax Label Gun
    • 2 Vinyl Podiatrist Wheelie Chairs
    • 58 Podiatry Routine Instrument Packs
    • Plus more +++
    Apologies, I can't post my email on here yet, but you can call the practice and leave a message on (03) 5452 2606
  2. Tiptoe

    Tiptoe Member

    Only these left:
    • Runyes 22L Autoclave
    • Tuttnauer 2540EKA Autoclave
    • Runyes Water Distiller
    • Hadeco Bidop Smart Doppler
    • Vinyl Podiatrist Wheelie Chair
    • Plus some prefab orthotics
    tiptoe_podiatry at live dot come dot au
  3. iliubinas

    iliubinas Member


    I’m interested in purchasing around 15-20 of your instrument packs. Just wondering roughly how old are they and what do you have in your standard pack? Also how much per pack?

  4. Tiptoe

    Tiptoe Member

    Hi Inga,

    They vary in age from over ten years old to newer, and a variety of brands and wear. Most recently I purchased Chifa. The routine packs contain double action clippers, scalpel handle, black’s file and burr and are $80ea.



  5. Felix

    Felix Member

    Hello do you have a vacuum press for making orthotics? If you do, please contact me asap. Thank you. 0405 275 751
  6. Tiptoe

    Tiptoe Member

    Unfortunately not Felix. Good luck with it.

  7. Simon Lloyd

    Simon Lloyd Welcome New Poster

    Hello do you have the cabinet and lamp available?
  8. Tiptoe

    Tiptoe Member

    Hi Simon, unfortunately they have been sold.

  9. Maryuwa

    Maryuwa Member

  10. Maryuwa

    Maryuwa Member

    Just wondering if your doppler or your autoclave still available?
  11. Tiptoe

    Tiptoe Member

    Hi Mary, yes I have sold most stuff but actually have a Doppler and an autoclave still available. Feel free to email me for details tiptoe_podiatry.com.au
  12. paulaw

    paulaw Welcome New Poster

    Hi Mary, could you please contact me on 0417080366 if you have the prefab orthotics available. Thank you.
  13. carolngoo

    carolngoo Welcome New Poster

    Hi Mary,
    I know this is a bit late but have you sold everything?

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