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Explotation of garra rufa

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by fishpod, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    should the garra rufa be allowed associate membership to the society of chiropodists. If not will they be allowed to join the institute, They have no union representation. Should we not invite them to branch meetings as they are our fellow professionals who specialise in ipp.
  2. An interesting question.

    I think there is a deeper problem here. Garra Rufa are rarely paid very much per hour. Therefor whilst allowing them associate membership might be a nice gesture I feel that the subs required would put the membership out of the reach of most fish. They may also have trouble filling in the paperwork as they lack opposable thumbs, and would make the paper soggy anyway.

    Considerable adjustment would need to be made in order to empower these colleagues in such a way. But I for one would never turn away a Garra Rufa if they attended a Branch meeting and wished to participate.
  3. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    well put robert i feel that the garras need representation and i would like to represent them in collective bargaining and set a fee sharing struture for all future garra activity
  4. Fair enough. But If they were to be represented in an IR capacity there would need to be a transparent election process...
  5. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

  6. fishpod

    fishpod Well-Known Member

    i am currently setting up aprotocol for cpd activity for all my garra rufa brothers and sisters part 1 scalpel technique part 2 advanced scalpel technique these courses will be run by a disgraced struck off beauty therapist currently emeritous professor of some swedish institute run out of an old bungalow in maidenhead garras from the northwest and midlands can attend a premises in birmingham run by 2 dodgy blokes who both claim to be doctors .
    dates and fees to be released shortly. couse number 3 will be how to dress a hideous heamorhage caused by incompetent scalpel work.
  7. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    why do you need to train your colleagues in scalpel-work when they can just use their teeth?

    Some of the hacked-about feet I see (that have been treated by FHPs previously) look like some practitioners have been using their teeth to rip out IGTN's, so no-one will notice the difference


  8. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member

  9. DAVOhorn

    DAVOhorn Well-Known Member

    Dear All,

    I spoke to a few of the Garra Rufa about their working environment and their primitive working conditions.

    One thing that really did appall me was the total lack of toilet facilities.:eek:

    Apparently they have to pee and S**t in the their clinical working environment.:wacko:

    I consider this absolutely disgusting, and I completely sympathise with them.

    I worked for the NHS for twenty years and never had to put up with that level of insanitary condition.

    The Health And safety at Work Act should be invoked to get them basic minimum standards of clinical hygiene.

    The patients however dont deserve any consideration at all as they are far too STUPID to have worked this out.:butcher:

    regards a concerned colleague

  10. fatboy

    fatboy Active Member

    they may do away with scalpel technique but i've heard they are like a fish out of water when it comes to biomechanics...
  11. FergusC

    FergusC Welcome New Poster

    Definitely something fishy going on here.
  12. Whereas most podiatrists....

    Never mind ;-)
  13. cornmerchant

    cornmerchant Well-Known Member


    I do not think your aspiration of representing the mass market of the garra rufa will work- everyone knows they are sole traders.

    Apart from which the market is flooded.

  14. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Sole traders ? I wonder who floated them a loan ? :confused: - the financial market is a bit fluid at present, they'd be well advised to go with the flow in the current situation and have savings to tide them over until the market becomes more bouyant.

  15. DAVOhorn

    DAVOhorn Well-Known Member

    Dear All,

    It seems even cafe's and Bistro's are offering this service.

    Gives a new meaning to FISH AND CHIPS.

    Seriously this is true.

    Also we a have a specialist FISH THERAPIST in town. Offering Fish therapy.

    There are now several places, hairdressers, cafe's, beauty therapist's, and complimentary therapist's.

    How do they all survive offering this service???

  16. Perthpod

    Perthpod Active Member

    I wonder if the physios sometimes feel the same way about the pods using physical therapies and exercise prescription above the ankle? Maybe we are the physio's garra rufa? ;O
  17. Catfoot

    Catfoot Well-Known Member

    Well, the cynic in me says that it is open season on THE FOOT and everyone including the world and his dog want a piece of the action.

    There was a thread on PA some while back about all the disciplines laying claim to the foot, from reflexologists and foot readers (if you can class then as "disciplines ?) to orthopaedic surgeons.

    It might be interesting to re-visit that thread ....

    Maybe admin can locate it ??


  18. Perthpod

    Perthpod Active Member

    gee, sounds like we need to introduce a mutant gene, giving people more than 2 feet?
  19. Perthpod

    Perthpod Active Member

  20. twirly

    twirly Well-Known Member

  21. DAVOhorn

    DAVOhorn Well-Known Member

    Well today the 18112011 in the Sun was an interesting article on the reasons not to put your feet into the festering fish tanks.

    Wow has it really taken this long to work this out.:deadhorse:

    Also in my town fish tank places are closing now due to the fad being over.:drinks

    Mind you one poor sole has her car covered in advertising for her fish therapy business.:bash:

    One born every day. or even several.

    Seriously folks what happens to the fish when they become unemployed. Cat food, down the plughole toilet etc etc. Humanely Eutahnased. Would love to know.

    So with regulation will come many closures by the get rich quick people.

    I have just heard about about a new altenative to the Garra fish...........

  22. Phil Wells

    Phil Wells Active Member


    Go on I'll bite - what's the next big thing?

  23. FergusC

    FergusC Welcome New Poster

    Well, they ARE Sun readers (or is that Sun picture watchers)<G>
  24. DAVOhorn

    DAVOhorn Well-Known Member

    Hi Phil,

    I have spent many years here and in australia investigating a wide variety of naturally occurring minerals.

    The most effective were found in a magic cave in Tasmania which due to its special geological properties have amazing therapeutic properties not found in other rock formations.

    The reason for this is that over geological time the rock rose from the sea floor and then the roof became the floor of the cave and the floor became the roof. So you have a river cave floor which is now the roof. So the mixing of the sediment over time has resulted in the particular properties of the minerals.

    Taking samples of the rock from the floor of the current cave and attaching it via natural glues (neigghhhh) onto a special paper created by virginal young women from nepal from natural fibrous material.

    I have been able to create a unique dermatological abrasive natural product.

    Unfortunately this will be at the top end of the market for (sandpaper) abrasive materials . But the trials based upon a variety of lower socio ecenomic gullible women have been especially pleasing. especially when you have endorsements from celebrities feted by the Mirror and Sun newspapers. The EXACT SAME CLIENT BASE AS THE GARRA FISH .

    So i am hoping to make a killing in 6 months and then to move to a warm sunny country with no extradition treaty with the UK and Europe.

    Regards David Cooper

    CEO BFR International Deramatological Products

    Bodget, Floggett and Runn:butcher:

    believe it or not some of this is actually true. I will leave it to your imagination and cynicism to decide what is and is not true:drinks
  25. Phil Wells

    Phil Wells Active Member


    I will have 20 of them and may my fortune on Dragons Des.


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