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Needling evidence collection.

Discussion in 'General Issues and Discussion Forum' started by R.E.G, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. R.E.G

    R.E.G Active Member


    I think we have to agree to disagree.

    My new years resolution was to stop posting

    I will now go back to it.

    It's been 'fun'.
  2. R.E.G

    R.E.G Active Member

    Last post for Belinda,

    24 hours C section 8lbs 3onz.

    Hey its Joseph ( american grandads name Robert me) so JR ?????

    By all
  3. Really? Go back and read what you wrote and step into Simon's shoes for a moment (or anyone else who you've argued with) and you may get a different perspective. Was there not a thread some time ago which ran along the lines of "why do UK threads always end up acrimonously?" I think the way you communicate your argument might have a lot to explain why this is so. I'm sure many colleagues despair when they consider what other will see when they look at the UK contributions. Once again a promising topic spoiled by, what, a juvenille argument.

  4. Congratulations!!:drinks:drinks
  5. To bob obviously ;) (cross posting there.)
  6. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Yes, congratulations Bob! :drinks

    Sorry this is happening on a sour note, we`ve had our differences, but for the most it`s been a pleasure.

    keep well
  7. hamish dow

    hamish dow Active Member

    "Why can't we disagree without people taking umbrage?"
    The answer lies in this quote
    "I think the way you communicate your argument might have a lot to explain why this is so."
    "many colleagues despair when they consider what other will see when they look at the UK contributions."
    I have been on hte end of and continue to be on the end of, some personal jibes. I think it unfair to use such a wide brush to tar us with.
    I suggest that the internet and texting and faceles encounters diminish the ability to read the othere person in th econversation. Aftere all the vast amount of communication to the widest group of the population is non verbal. Those who excell at this stye commonly, not all, tend to have poorer people skills. They are called digital communicators in some linguistic circles.
    Being a forum it is common for bites of thought to be raapidly posed in a short form and much is lost in the process.
    Narccissitically turning it back on myself, in another thread I have introduced information htat was not htere befor, tried to correct incorrect remarks, and been open. I have had my points and questions ignored and had to repeat much because people have not read the theads from th ebegining and just posted at the end of the chain. Then there are the regional and national differences in culture, so it is amazing that it does not start from a place of acrimony to begin with. Frustration may be the likeliest source of where it all goes south. I think there is a tragic lack of openess and professional politeness and courtesy, and a poor choice of expression.
    Just a portion of my view of things.
  8. Paul Bowles

    Paul Bowles Well-Known Member

    It was actually a conference - we have it on video - its on the new PORTAL Education site, or will be by next week (the site has found a new home at www.portaleducation.com, I have been told all the old members have been migrated across and will get an email shortly about their new login details, new members can now sign up free). PM me and I will get the PORTAL team to give you access to the video online so you can watch it.

    It was more for fun than seriousness........the clinicians won because they were more fun and the audience could obviously see that! Must b those dull ivory towers the academics live in, although Dr Angela Evans certainly put in a massive effort to save them!!!
  9. cornmerchant

    cornmerchant Well-Known Member

    Hi All

    While we are on th subject of collecting evidence , may I seek the knowledge and experience of those who have done more needling than me- I have a patient with multilple recalcitrant vPs who I needled 10 weeks ago without success. I am fairly confident that I did the proceedure adequately, and read that several of you have done a 2nd needling with a successful outcome. As a point of interest, may I ask if you have all done the 2nd needling to the same VP , given that the patient has multiple sites? I originally chose the "mother" VP and it also happened to be in the easiest site for LA infiltration.

  10. Dido

    Dido Active Member

    I'm sorry CM but I can't help you on that one. Here in the a*** end of nowhere there is not much call for VP treatments as we still have wart charmers who buy them. :D

    In response to Hamish who said

    I totally agree with the rest of the post which said, basically, that in the absence of facial clues, tone of voice and all the other unconscious nuances that our brains process in face-to-face social interaction, it is very easy for misunderstandings to occur.

    There are also regional differences in style of writing and humour.

    That is the one drawback of forums, in that they can be a bit sterile. However, I don't think that that should stop a good exchange of views.

  11. I have to say that I'm delighted that we can't see facial features. I have an impression of Hamish that is a small kilted highlander, softly spoken with a gentle lilt, whereas in reaity he's probably a muckle great skin-headed Hell's Angel type with a goatee and indian ink spreading up round his neck. And you, Dido, a sensuous harlot with an angelic voice and willing, dreamy eyes..... The minute Arena offers a webcam facility, I'm off.....
  12. blinda

    blinda MVP

    Hi CM,

    The first 2 I performed, as i said earlier, I don`t think I punctured to the point of no resistance, so needled again on the same site 12 weeks later.....all mosaic VP`s then diminished in size and disappeared within 6-8 weeks. However, a colleague who did needle to no resistance also had to do a 2nd tx tried it on a different VP on a pt with mosaic and found it to be succcessful.

  13. Dido

    Dido Active Member


    Oh Mark, I have nearly bust myself laughing ! :D

    Looks like I'm in the wrong profession ?

    Does anyone know what the wages of sin are these days, surely they must be better than podiatry? :confused:

  14. Absolutely. But I have to remind you of the convention where it is frowned upon to charge your colleagues for professional services!
  15. That would mean your into a change of profession as well Mark!! Alittle Richard Geer type action in the not so United Kingdom.

    Attached Files:

  16. You're making the assumption that I don't already provide a comprehensive range of VIP services, Michael. If only you knew..... And less of Richard Gere my friend - more a real man like Robbie Coltrane!

    Attached Files:

  17. Sorry Mark correct I should never assume, glad to hear that your VIP´s get "Happy Endings"
  18. Dido

    Dido Active Member

    Originally posted by Mark Russell

    Sorry Mark, but that only applies to colleagues in the same Professional Organisation as the practitioner. So that cuts a whole lot of you out and reduces my workload quite considerably. Snigger ! :D
  19. hamish dow

    hamish dow Active Member

    Mark thank you for enhancing my credibility and "Bigging me up" on the appearance stakes. Nothing but ordinary in so many ways sadly.
  20. Enhancements, harlots, wages of sin, bigging-up, beastiality, professional services and 'Happy Endings'..... all in a thread about little pricks and an unpleasant, contagious, social disease. What a bloody degenerate lot you are!
  21. betafeet

    betafeet Active Member

    I have been awaiting the follow up results to this discussion.

    Have any trials been done yet?

    In the meantime I have been adapting the dry needling technique myself, using acupuncture needles. These are much finer and appear to be giving the same result with the added benifit that I have used them on very small VP's with no LA. Cruel you might say but patients have reported only minor discomfort.

  22. Its on my to do list!
  23. Spam alert. White link. Begone Spammer, I call down the moderator upon thy head and abjure thee.
  24. James Welch

    James Welch Active Member

    Robert, did you ever get any photo's of the VP's you needled.
  25. I got pictures of almost all the verruca I needled.;) And some even better pictures of verruca I've used blunt dissection on.

    As brilliant as the needling has been (and it has been), I've been equally or more impressed with the results from blunt dissection.... for certain types of verruca.

    I've found that some respond better to one technique and some to the other.

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