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a big hello

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Lizzy1so, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Lizzy1so

    Lizzy1so Active Member

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    i am new user to forums so this is my first ever posting. i work in private practice in devon, i am interested in all aspects of foot and health care and am always on the look out for new ways to improve my practice.
    it can be lonely out there! so hello to all in private practice.
  2. twirly

    twirly Well-Known Member

    Hi Liz,

    :welcome: to Podiatry Arena.

    Working in P/P can leave you feeling quite isolated. This is a fantastic way to network with others in our field.

    If you have a peep at the members map (& add yourself too) you will see how many UK Podiatrists there are & also many others across the globe.

    Makes ya feel all warm & fuzzy knowing there are so many of us about. :D

    If you do feel a little isolated have you maybe tried contacting other practitioners in your area for a meet & greet session?

    Enjoy the Arena & please do join in some of the debates/discussions, or start a new thread if you wish to discuss something you have a particular interest .



    Mandy Brooks
  3. Heather J Bassett

    Heather J Bassett Well-Known Member

    :welcome: Liz, interesting that Devon could be in many countries of the world, so is it the UK you are form?
    :good: Great introduction.
    :empathy:Yes it used too maybe get lonely but not in this world now~!
    Enjoy getting to know and learn about colleagues and there stories all over the world, still continues to amaze me how lucky we are too have this resource:D

  4. Lizzy1so

    Lizzy1so Active Member

    Thanks for the warm replies i am definately feeling the warm fuzziness that twirly promised. I am from the south west of the uk, quite near the coast, its a very rural area lots of farmers and retired folks. I am interested to see so many nationalities on line and hope to learn alot from joining in.
  5. Admin2

    Admin2 Administrator Staff Member


    Admins guide for newbies:

    Here is what we suggest you do: Check in regularly; check the new posts link in the top navigation bar. Alternatively, check the home page, down the right column for the current active threads.

    If looking for something specific, check the thread tags (its like a textbook index) - use the Tags link in the bottom navigation bar. You can also use the the search function (link in the top navigation bar).

    1. Update your profile under 'My Account' to add a country flag to your messages; add a avator to your messages; tell us where you got your qualification from; and a bit about yourself; add a signature to your message.
    2. Add your location to the member map.
    3. If you get lost, in the bottom navigation there is the link to the FAQ's and the Site Map
    4. Keep your email address up to date in 'My Account'; we send a weekly email updateof the weeks activity so you don't miss anything.
    5. Enjoy your stay
  6. Gibby

    Gibby Active Member

    My name is John. I am a podiatrist/foot & ankle surgeon in New Orleans, LA, USA.
    Nice to meet you--
  7. Lizzy1so

    Lizzy1so Active Member

    nice to meet you too. I understand podiatrists are a little different in the usa, are you a doctor? In the uk you can be a foot and ankle surgeon but you have to do additional post graduate training. Do you have a speciality?
  8. Gibby

    Gibby Active Member

    Yes, DPM (Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine)
    post-graduate surgical fellowship at Yale

    my specialty is reconstructive foot surgery, diabetic wound healing, limb salvage, and I split my time between LSU School of Medicine and private practice


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