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    A few times in the last year, people have made threats of lawyers and libel claims. Eric Butterworth the last.

    For the sake of interest I post the following from a case on an internet blog. I've highlighted the interesting bits

    So that's allright then.

  2. healthmarque Member

    Robert Isaacs used the words "snake" oil in reference to my PZ orthotics after I had answered a query from Kahuna who had a patient who had reported a beneficial result with our orthotics. The inference is that I am therefore a snake oil salesman. I challenged him to call me that in public and thus expect to be sued for defamation. I think that my response is reasonable. Persons should be careful when they use throw away lines to insult. Readers might be following the acrimonious thread that emanated from this topic. My name is Edward Butterworth not Eric.
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