< Splinting, exercise and electrotherapy for hallux valgus | The evolution of compliance in the human lateral mid-foot >
  1. mad05c Welcome New Poster

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    I am a newer graduate and recently join a large 120 doctor multi specialty group. We have 2 DPMs and 3 Ortho's- and we want to add DME to our services. We are told by the admins that this would require all 120 doctors to sign an attestation that they (or their family) are not involved with a DME company.
    We are also being told that the profits from the DME would have to be split amongst all 120 doctors, not just the Pods/Orthos.

    Any suggestions? References? Consultants that deal with this stuff?
  2. mad05c Welcome New Poster

    Anyone out there? There must be some small business owners that can provide some insight. Do all the doctors in a smaller podiatry group of 3-5 DPMs have to sign a medicare paper stating they are not involved/invested with a DME company? How do the DPMs see income from the DME they dispense? Is it all just split evenly at the end of the year?
< Splinting, exercise and electrotherapy for hallux valgus | The evolution of compliance in the human lateral mid-foot >

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