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  1. Berms Active Member

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    Hi folks,

    I'm not sure if I'm alone here, but I going to stick my neck out and admit that I really don't like drilling patients nails.... especially the thick, mycotic ones. In my mind I just can't accept the fact that essentially I am spinning huge amounts of fungal nail dust into the air around me, into my hair and generally all over the place. Sure, the drill has "dust extraction" I hear you say, but how much of the dust really gets collected?? I would bet it's probably less than 50% on a good day, even when the dust bags are changed frequently and the drill serviced regularly. Of course I don't have scientific data on this but 15 years of practice tells me I'm probably not too far off the mark.

    Anyways, back to my question - so long as I am drilling patients nails I might as well have the best drill with the best dust extraction. Any advice is welcome.

    Thanks, Berms.
  2. mr2pod Active Member

    When looking into this a couple of years ago I got a Berchtold and a Promed drill side-by-side and tested them in the same room for noise, and with EVA for dust extraction. At that time the Promed was better in my opinion. I would suggest doing something similar. The medical companies Briggate and DBS had no problem with sending me a drill on trial so I could make my decision
  3. Berms Active Member

    Thanks for the reply mr2pod... I will look into the Promed drill. I know with Berchtold they had a good drill model for the past 5 years or more but have recently changed their model to a completely different drill with a digital display and there are mixed reports about this new model not being of the same high quality as the previous unit.

    Cheers, Berms.
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