< Part-Time Podiatry Job in Auckland | UK pod seeking podiatry job new zealand >
  1. bkoh002 Welcome New Poster

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    I am currently doing my last final year of my Podiatry degree at AUT.

    I am due to graduate on August next year.

    I realize it is little bit too early for me to seek an employment but I would love to hear from those who would be interested.

    I am Korean born who has been in NZ for 15 years.

    My interests include high risk patients with complex chronic conditions such as diabetes. However, my interest also lies within biomechanics as well.

    Since there is a rise in Asian population within New Zealand and more people are becoming aware of "Podiatry", I believe it would be my advantage as I am capable of speaking English and Korean fluently!

    Message me!!
< Part-Time Podiatry Job in Auckland | UK pod seeking podiatry job new zealand >

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