< What do you like or dislike about your current orthotics lab | No correlation between arch height and impairment >
  1. Griff Moderator

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    From Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, February 2010 - Volume 42 - Issue 2 - pp 375-380

    Does anyone have a subscription to this journal and would be kind enough to email me a copy of this article?

  2. Bruce Williams Well-Known Member

  3. Griff Moderator


    You've got mail

    Thanks in advance

  4. efuller MVP

    Whatever happened to Footmaax? They were the company that claimed that they could get a three dimensional shape (and make an orthotic) from a pressure sensing mat. They claimed that they had propritary algorhythms that enabled the do that. These brief results are saying that they can do that very well.

< What do you like or dislike about your current orthotics lab | No correlation between arch height and impairment >

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