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..and inspiration for our sermon for today

Discussion in 'Break Room' started by Cameron, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member

  2. javier

    javier Senior Member

  3. Tash Duncan

    Tash Duncan Member

    Interesting very very interesting

    Just wondering Cameron what are your true thoughts on this?
    Do you reccommend reading the old classics? I find the article somewhat interesting in the sense that we are always searching & searching for more... new & improved methods/facts & figures which are important!!!
    However i have to agree that sometimes the push leaves some of the basics behind...
    Balance i guess is the key...and i hope that we find what we may or may not be searching for....
  4. Cameron

    Cameron Well-Known Member


    Balance i guess is the key...and i hope that we find what we may or may not be searching for....

    I think you are right.

    >Just wondering Cameron what are your true thoughts on this?

    Podiatry(chiropody) is a discipline with an oral tradition which until very recently had no
    real written culture in any scientific way. That is beginning to change slowly but still in its infancy. Much of what we do as podiatrists now involves the works of other disciplines which have a more in depth evidence based literature readily available. So the need for today's practitioners to keep up to date has never been so obvious and so accessible. But the fact still remains that podolgy (scientic basis for podiatry) is rather narrow in its literature.

    Around about the late 70s in UK and US (Australia has not yet produced a key text on podiatry) there was a shift in podiatric text which preferred bioemechanics, orthopaedics and diabetes to dermatology which had been the main stay of podiatry text from the previous half century. The most phenomenal text in the last twenty years would be Neal's Common Foot Disorders which is now in its 6th or 7th edition. For a medical text to be reviewed so frequently in such a shortspan of time would suggest a wider practice base is available especially since this text book is a bench text. So this would confirm podiatrists are able to do a lot more than what they started off doing twenty or so years ago. But whether every practitioner does, your guess is as good as mine. I would suspect not though.

    Since I started reading podiatry text which was over twenty ago there are definatley a lot of aspects which are not currently reflect in contemporary literature. So I agree with the reverend's basic observations of his podiartist. However I also accept 20/20 hindsight gives a clarity to historic writing which would make our toes curl that podiatirsts of yesteryear could even contemplate such mumbo jumbo.

    Sobacktoyour observation,balanceiswhat isrequired.

  5. Tash Duncan

    Tash Duncan Member

    Thanks for your thoughts Cameron

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